pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1025 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1025 Little Yaya Relatives Come (1)
After the glamorous woman chatted with her father for a while, she asked her servants to take her father back to the mansion to rest. At the moment, a maid who was standing aside, after hearing what the glamorous woman said to the old man, , and slowly leaned over.

"Ma'am, don't you really give the formula of this rouge gouache to the Jun family?" At this moment, the servant girl's face was a little unbelievable, and when the glamorous woman heard it, she immediately sneered. .

The beautiful woman looked at Elder Jun's back with a sneering smile on her expression, "My father will only think about the Jun family all his life, but I won't. With this thing in my hand, I can earn more money." With a lot of money, I won't be trapped in the Jun family like my father for the rest of my life. The Jun family can make a fortune with rouge and gouache, so why can't I at this moment? I'm not that stupid. I gave this thing to the Jun family. What's more, even if I give it to the Jun family, what can the Jun family give me? Isn't it just a few dollars, but at this moment, compared to that money, I am more concerned about the benefits of that formula, "

This beautiful woman disagrees with her father's words. Her father thinks of kindness, and he will naturally owe the Jun's family all day long. He must repay the Jun's family well. It's just that their children and grandchildren have been slaves for three generations, and that's enough up.

That's why she redeemed her deed of sale at the very beginning, because she didn't want to be a slave for the rest of her life, she wanted to have her own development, and she wouldn't be a slave for the rest of her life.

After all, even if you are doing well as a slave, life and death are still in the hands of the master. No matter how hard she is at this moment, she will come out. Although the eldest lady loves herself very much, she doesn't think being a slave has any future, so naturally she has to find her first. back road.

And at this moment, the Jun family asked their father to inquire about the county, probably because this person is his father, and he can get the formula in his hands. After all, if someone else comes, the Jun family also knows that it may not necessarily I will, that's why I used my father as the emotional card, but unfortunately, the emotional card was not worth it after she left.

And when the servant girl heard the beautiful woman's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon smiled at the beautiful woman, "Madam is wise, and this servant also thinks this is a good thing. Madam keeps it for herself." It's better, not to mention that Madam, if the Jun family takes this formula back, it may not benefit Madam you much, not to mention Madam, you also know that this thing is a treasure, and it can't be bought for a few cents."

And when the glamorous woman heard the servant girl's words, she nodded with a smile. This time, she knew it clearly without the servant girl's words. Rouge drunk is much better, so it seems that the value is not a question of how many taels of silver.

And in the next meeting, the beautiful woman said a few words to the servant girl and asked the servant girl to make arrangements, and when the servant girl heard this, she nodded and quickly went down to make arrangements.

And on the second day, this beautiful woman took Mr. Jun to the place where she made rouge and gouache. When someone picked up a bucket of mud, he suddenly froze for a moment.

And when Mr. Jun saw those people mixing meat into the mask, he immediately turned his head to look at the beautiful woman, "What's going on, Xiaomei? How do you use clay to make it here?"

Although at the beginning he had heard that this is for your beauty, and a new product was released called a mask and it was very useful, but what is the difference between these clays and the mask at this moment?
And when the glamorous woman heard what the gentleman said, she told the old gentleman all these things, and when the old gentleman heard it, he was slightly taken aback, "Can this clay be used on the face? how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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