pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1026 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1026 Little Yaya Relatives Come (2)
In the mind of Mr. Jun, this soil is the dirtiest existence. It is trampled under the feet of others all day long. If it is used on other people's faces, he will feel sick when he thinks about it. When he sees this, this gentleman Immediately, doubts arose.

When the beautiful woman heard what the old man said, she smiled and said, "Father and daughter know that you can't believe it, let alone you can't believe it, even Xiaomei, I can't believe it. After all, this soil is also the most disgusting in my mind, but who would have thought that this soil has this effect, look at my skin, even if I use a clay mask, the effect is really good, father, don't worry, Xiaomei is very good, how could it be possible? Random try?"

You have to know about using mud to make a mask, don't say that Mr. Jun feels incredible at this moment, even she feels incredible at this moment, after all, isn't this mud the dirtiest existence under the influence of who?

But at this moment, the glamorous woman doesn't believe it anymore. After all, she has to believe it at this moment. After all, she has used this thing before, and the effect is really good. At this moment, she naturally believes in her own feelings, and she also believes in it. The effect on this face.

And when Mr. Jun heard his daughter's words, he was a little relieved, but at this moment there was a sudden exclamation, "Ma'am, this thing can't be used, and this mask can't be made at all. Ma'am, come over and have a look, the soil either dried up all at once, or it couldn't stick together, so it couldn't be used at all, Ma'am, do you still have something wrong?"

And when someone tried it at this time, they found that the mask was useless at all, because the soil dried too fast, so everyone looked at this beautiful woman one by one.

And when the glamorous woman heard the words of this servant, her face suddenly became a little ugly, "That bitch actually hid it for me, old cow, go find that bitch to find out for me, and say that if she If she doesn't figure it out, her child will be waiting for the body to be collected."

When the glamorous woman heard the worker's words, her complexion suddenly turned ugly. After all, if there is no way to make this thing at this moment, there must be something wrong with it. After all, she must get the mask.

When Elder Jun heard his daughter's words, he walked over to look at the messy mess of soil, and frowned when he saw this. After all, this thing is really difficult to get together.

"Xiaomei, who is that woman you are talking about at this moment?" But when he heard the slut his daughter was looking at, the old gentleman asked curiously, and when the beautiful woman heard it, her face immediately changed It's a little ugly.

Then he looked at his father, with a difficult expression on his face, and a little difficult to speak when he spoke, "It's not that bastard, the little bitch who found me for me, and gave birth to a child for me at home, seeing this I sold that slut when I was here, but I didn't expect her to go there to be your slave, now it's time for her to pay her debts."

When talking about that woman, this beautiful woman's complexion suddenly became a little ugly, and there was a sinister twist on that coquettish face, thinking of her useless husband, it's okay to be useless, He also caused trouble for himself to find a woman all day long.

A few years ago, he valued a embroidered lady in his embroidered workshop, and he finally sold her embroidered lady, but now this man is getting together with a servant girl in the mansion, and even gave birth to a child, he is really pissed off she is gone.

And when Mr. Jun heard his daughter's words, he immediately sighed, and his expression was a little heartbroken, "Okay, Xiaomei, don't worry about it, this man is a virtuous man, the more you are like this, the more he will love you." Don't think too much about finding fault with you. In fact, it was all your father's fault back then. If your father hadn't said that the brat's father was the confidant of the wife in the mansion, this father would not have pushed you into the fire pit. My daughter is very capable. She can open her own shop and do it well. I really regret being a father now."

(End of this chapter)

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