pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1027 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1027 Little Yaya Relatives Come (3)
When he heard the daughter's words, the old Jun immediately felt guilty. After all, if it wasn't for the brat's father he said back then, he had a very unusual relationship with the eldest lady in the Jun family. At this moment, he doesn't care about marrying his daughter to that Kind of useless.

At this moment, this daughter is very capable, knowing that she is using money to start a business, and this small business is getting more and more prosperous. When seeing this, the old man immediately regretted it, especially after the death of his daughter's father-in-law, he was even more serious. I regret it.

When the glamorous woman heard her father's words, she immediately had a difficult expression on her face, but it was quickly covered up, and then she comforted, "Father, don't think too much, I will just be That man is dead, he steals as much as he likes, just don't do it under my nose, I hate others to touch my subordinates, now he dares to do it, I will throw his son into the lake, Having sold his lovers,'

When Jun was old, the glamorous woman never cared about it. After all, many things have passed, and it is useless to say more. After all, she is no longer a little girl at the moment. At the age of 27 or [-], she has already seen through it. a lot of.

And at this moment, she just couldn't swallow that breath, so she thought that if the man didn't make herself feel better, she wouldn't make him feel better, and soon the beautiful woman asked the waiter in the shop to contact that woman.

And now on An Xin's side, An Xin planned to go home after cleaning up the rouge powder. The sea mud mask was unexpectedly good this time. With the addition of the seaweed mask, there are now two kinds of masks.

But at this moment, An Xin is still thinking about who will be next time, and is looking at what is there. After all, there is more than one kind of seaweed that can be used as a mask. Soon An Xin bid farewell to Shi Yueran.

After bidding farewell to Shi Yueran, An Xin planned to return to Ping Village. When she returned to Ping Village, the sky had already dimmed, and at this moment there was still a person standing by the roadside under the hazy twilight.

The golden sunset sprinkled on him, forming a ray of brilliance, so dazzling, there was a warm smile on his handsome cheek, especially when he looked at the woman who was returning home on horseback not far away, the eyes were so bright. There is a touch of streamer color inside, and the shining streamer is like a star in the sky, but it also carries a touch of evil.

And when An Xin saw this, she waved at the man, "Han..." When An Xin saw Qin Yihan waiting for her at the entrance of the village, a smile appeared on her face. The smile spread across the corners of his mouth, forming a warm arc.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin calling him, he nodded, and soon An Xin rode to Qin Yihan's side, An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and said, "Han, I'm not a child, you don't need to come here and wait." I,"

It's just that having said that, when An Xin saw Qin Yihan waiting for her at the entrance of the village, her heart immediately warmed up. After all, who doesn't want someone waiting for him on his way home.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he took the rein from An Xin's hand, and then led the horse to An Xin, with a smile on his face, "I know you are not a child, but I like to wait for you to come back,"

He just wants to be the first person he sees when she comes back, and he just hopes that he can see her at the first sight. In fact, there are many times, waiting may not be a pain matter.

After all, under your anxious waiting, the moment you see her coming, you will immediately feel that everything in the world has come to a standstill because of her, and she is the only one in your eyes. I hope you can see her anytime, anywhere , Although it is very painful while waiting for the capital, but when you see her, when you wait for her, you will feel very happy at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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