pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1028 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1028 Little Yaya Relatives Come (4)
And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, the smile on her face became thicker and thicker, especially those eyes were full of threads, with a hint of intoxicating smile.

And then the two returned home together, because the mask was very effective, so at this moment, An Xin planned to reward everyone. Although the mask is good at the moment, it is only produced in limited quantities every day. After all, good things are bought at once. If there are too many, it will not be precious after all.

And when An Xinzai returned home, An Qiao just happened to come back from the mountain. Because the flowers were in bloom, An Qiao took the girls in the village to pick flower petals.

At this moment, although the girls are very strange to Anqiao, why does he need petals instead of stalks?But he didn't ask any more questions, but carefully picked the petals one by one, and at this moment these girls were all unmarried girls in the village.

Naturally, there are also some who are married, but at this moment, whether married or unmarried, there is a specific rule, that is, the woman's hands must not be too rough, after all, if the woman's hands are too rough, it is easy. damage the color of the petals.

At the beginning of Anqiao's selection of candidates, although all the girls in the village had opinions, but when they heard that picking petals earned sixty coins a day, and they would provide food, those girls Then there is nothing to say.

However, because the girls in the countryside have rough hands, when picking petals, An Xin will use this hand cream for everyone, that is, it is made of this cucumber, but because it is made temporarily, An Xin Never thought of buying it either.

After all, although the hands of these little girls are much more tender than those of those women, they are not hands that do not touch the spring water after all, so naturally they need to be taken care of at this moment, and these petals are no better than flowers at this moment.

If it is wild flower petals, those petals are naturally not so delicate, but at this moment, these petals are very delicate one by one. After the petals are picked, they are placed in this pool, washed clean, and then the petals are dried in the sun. Under the sun, the first process is completed.

At this moment, An Xin has never thought about making other rouge powders for the time being, after all, she doesn't have much time to make them at the moment, and researching and producing rouge powders at home is not so easy to operate after all.

What's more, at this moment, An Xin wants to bask in more petals, and save more. Fortunately, when the drought comes in the future, she can still make this rouge powder, and at this moment, An Xin has not pulled off the sea mud mask and seaweed mask.

And at this moment, because An Xin intends to expand this production, he sold a piece of land next door to him again, and this time because the house does not need to be complicated by you, it is only used as a factory. This master Li was invited.

When Master Li heard An Xin's words, he nodded, because there are five processes in the production process, so there are five processes in this room at this moment, and the surrounding areas have also been reinforced a lot, and the surrounding walls are even stronger. Higher than the original two heads.

After Master Li saw the design drawing, he told An Xin that it would take about a month to complete, and when An Xin heard about it, he immediately decided to let Master Li do it.

After all, it is impossible for her to make this rouge and gouache at home all day long, and although there are not many people in the house at the moment, it's just that it is not good for this person to talk too much, so at this moment, An Xin plans to separate the use of this slave from the workers.

However, the only program is also a member of his own family, and An Xin plans to place the children he bought at the moment in the factory, but An Xin does not plan to use them in the factory this spring, summer and winter.

(End of this chapter)

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