pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1029 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1029 Little Yaya Relatives Come (5)
And after An Xin talked with Master Li, Master Li started construction immediately the next day, and after An Xin saw that Master Li started construction, he asked Xie Haitian to tell everyone in the village.

She just said that she wanted to hire people to dare to work, because at this moment the rice had just been planted and there were not many jobs, so when everyone heard that An Xin was asking people, every household found someone to work in An Xin's home.

Soon An Xin's family began to get busy again. An Qiao took everyone up the mountain to pick and dry the petals. An Xin was in charge of the production of the mask and rouge powder. At the moment, An was helping to take care of the little girl at home. Ah, with the basic necessities of life in this family.

And son, in the next few days, An Xin can only be very busy, either going to get sea mud or go to this city all day long, and at this moment, the queen's birthday is only less than three months old.

So at this moment, An Xin also wants to think about the facial mask that will be sent to the capital, and what to send. At this moment, An Xin is really busy enough, and when Qin Yihan sees this busy figure of An Xin, he also feels a little distressed, but at this moment he is There is no way.

After all, he doesn't understand these things, but at this moment, Qin Yihan also knows that when he has nothing to do, he will take care of some trivial matters for An Xin, so as not to let those people disturb An Xin with trivial matters.

And after An Xin had been busy for several days, all this finally became normal, but one night, An Xin suddenly felt hungry, so she decided to get up and eat something.

Because even at night, the adults in this family kept people awake, but at this moment, An Xin didn't wake up the maids, but went to the kitchen alone to find something to eat.

And when An Xin came to the kitchen, the little girl beside her also came out rubbing her eyes. When the little girl saw An Xin, she said in a soft voice, "Sister An Xin is hungry."

At this moment, the little girl was holding a doll in her hands, and the doll was made by An Qiao, designed by An Xin, it was a little rabbit, the clothes on her body were loose, but it was the most suitable for sleeping. But that's all.

But at this moment, the little girl showed a fuzzy face, and her face was also vaguely sleepy, half asleep and half awake. When An Xin saw that little face was sleepy, her mouth was blocked, and her eyes were dim. When she was a little girl, she was taken aback for a moment, this girl was stupefied.

In fact, this woman likes cute things, and this little girl is just like a little doll at this moment. The reason why An Xin likes little girl so much is because of the little girl's long pink carvings, which are so cute and natural I like it very much.

But in the next second, An Xin frowned suddenly, then walked over and hugged the little girl, "Little girl, tell Sister An Xin, where is Ganniang?"

Because An Xin has been quite busy recently, so at this moment, An Xin asked Ganniang to take the little girl. In fact, An Qiao took care of her at the beginning, but An Qiao is also very busy at the moment, so she has no time to take the little girl with her at all. Yaya.

At this moment, Mama Wu is also old, and Xiao Yaya is a child, she likes to get up at night, and An Xin is too embarrassed to torment an old man. Chun Xiadong is young and has never taken care of a child. It's just right to go to Senniang.

So An Xin gave the little girl to Ganniang to take care of, but where did Ganniang go tonight, this little girl ran down the stairs alone, you must know that this little girl is a four or five-year-old child, Going down the stairs in this half-asleep state is very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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