pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1032 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1032 Little Yaya Relatives Come (8)
"You don't have to do anything. I really want to know what this woman has done. In addition, you will bring me all the information about Ganniang. I will check them one by one. I really want to see this woman. When I started begging me to buy it, those words really could be regarded as fart,"

An Xin was naturally a little concerned about Ganniang's disappearance just now, she and this little girl had been eating here for a while, and now Ganniang just appeared, and Ganniang said that she had a stomachache, but she I don't know that An Xin is a doctor at the moment.

Just now, I inadvertently felt the pulse of Ganniang. After all, the look of Ganniang at this moment, if it is true that she said it was a stomachache, it should not be that rosy, not to mention the food at home. Rest assured, it is impossible to eat people until their stomach hurts.

What's more, An Xin had doubts about the people in the mansion after Qiuyue sold it. After all, Qiuyue said that she had never been unable to get the rouge gouache formula, which meant that there should be an inner ghost in the mansion at this moment.

Seeing this, An Xin naturally wanted to keep a close eye on these people, but at the beginning, no one had any abnormalities, so An Xin didn't use strong methods to force them one by one, but waited for that person to show his feet.

But at this moment, she never thought that that person was Ganniang. If she hadn't met this little girl today and saw this woman running out in the middle of the night, she might not have suspected her for a while.

And when the man in black heard An Xin's words, he replied respectfully, "Miss's subordinates will handle it immediately." After all, the master is obedient to the young lady, let alone their subordinates.

An Xin saw the discovery of her mother's departure, and a look of coldness flashed in her eyes. The embroidery spinner thought from the beginning to the end that she had installed eyeliner after she left, but she didn't know that she had already installed eyeliner in the embroidery spinner. eyeliner.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Others have said that money can turn ghosts around. There is no one who cannot be bought in this world. The only thing to look at is when you buy that person, what method do you use?
After all, there are some people who love beauties, some people who love money, and some people who love antique calligraphy and paintings, so if you want to bribe others, you have to do what they like. At this moment, she really wants to know why she is so jealous And the one who betrayed himself?

After all, at the very beginning, she didn't want to buy this sweet girl from the beginning to the end. If she hadn't seen her determination and the unbearable look in An Qiao's eyes, she really didn't want that trouble at this moment, but it didn't matter, everyone else would buy it. Having said that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, she is really looking forward to the ending of Embroidery Spinning.

And after An Xin finished eating the noodles, she also went back to her room to sleep, and when the next day came, An Xin got up early in the morning, and after getting up, An Xin started a busy day again.

It's just that when An Xin was busy, someone came to the door at this time. When An Xin heard that someone was looking for Xiao Yaya outside, she was slightly taken aback. At this moment, she wondered who would come to find Xiao Yaya at this time. Yaya?

But when An Xin went out of the gate, she saw a woman appearing at the gate. When she saw that woman, An Xin was slightly taken aback. This person was somewhat similar to Xiao Yaya's mother.

And when the woman saw An Xin, she hurried over and said, "I'm Xiaoyaya's aunt, and I came to find Xiaoyaya to pick her up."

(End of this chapter)

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