pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1033 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1033 Little Yaya Relatives Come (9)
And at this moment, the woman who appeared at this moment opened her mouth when she saw An Xin, and saw that the woman was wearing a long skirt, and her hair was crowned with jade hairpins. An indescribable flavor.

It's just that in the eyes of the woman at this moment, there are countless vicissitudes and cynical resentments. At this moment, she seems to have experienced all kinds of people, and there is a worry in her expression, a faint expression, which is easy to let Others gave birth to a wave of pity.

And when An Xin heard the woman's words, she was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her with some doubts. This little girl has many mothers and sisters, but each of them was born as early as in her early years. Been betrayed, which one of them is this woman at this moment?
"Who are you?" An Xin looked at the woman and asked, An Xin at this moment did not think that because the person in front of her said she was Xiao Yaya's aunt, she was really Xiao Yaya's aunt.

But at this moment, An Xinzi saw the woman's face, but he believed it a little bit. After all, this face was indeed somewhat similar to Xiao Yaya's mother, but why did this woman come to look for Xiao Yaya at this moment?

When the woman heard the reassuring words, she simply said a few words. It turned out that the woman in front of her was Xiao Yaya's aunt. After she was sold in the early years, she met a man by accident. , It's a pity that she has been infertile for many years, and now she wants to take the little girl back to be her daughter.

And when An Xin heard the words of this little girl and her aunt, she first frowned slightly, and now An Xin felt a little embarrassed, after all, she liked this little girl so much that she really couldn't bear to give it away at this moment.

But at this moment, when the aunt saw this reassuring look, she said, "Don't worry, we will give you the money, not to mention that I can afford it too. You bring me the little girl, and I will take it back,"

The woman glanced at An Xin lightly, she really didn't want to come in this kind of backcountry, not to mention that at this moment, although this family seems to have a certain foundation, it is only inferior to her husband's family after all. Far.

What's more, if it wasn't that he couldn't have a child at this moment, he wouldn't come to find this lowly girl to be his daughter at this moment. After all, who would have his own child and not want to come out to find someone else's child to be his daughter.

Although this little girl is her little sister's child, it's a pity that the sisterhood had already disappeared when she was sold, especially when she saw that the little girl who was sold with her had a man protecting her. At that time, she had long since lost any affection for that little girl.

After all, her elder sister suffered from that trafficker, but at this moment, this little girl is enjoying the blessings here. Thinking of the loving couple and the treatment she received, a resentment suddenly arose in the aunt's heart at this moment.

What's more, at this moment, this little girl is being sold. At this moment, the woman thinks that everyone loves money. At this moment, as long as she gives a little money, everything can be solved naturally, not to mention that she is just a brat. It is in this kind of backcountry, how much insight can you have.

And when An Xin heard the woman's words, her face immediately turned cold, "Huh, what a coincidence, I don't lack money at the moment, if you keep it for yourself, I don't care about your stinky money."

When she saw the little girl's aunt say that she would sell the little girl with money, An Xin was a little angry, but she was not angry at all. After all, it was understandable for the big aunt to think so at this moment.You must know that it is a fact that Xiao Yaya was bought back by herself, but when she saw the big aunt talking and mentioning Xiao Yaya, when a flash of disgust flashed in her eyes, An Xin immediately didn't want to follow her. The woman said more than half a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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