pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1034 Little Yaya Relatives Come

Chapter 1034 Little Yaya Relatives Come (10)
At this moment, no matter whether this woman really likes Xiao Yaya or not, An Xin really won't give Xiao Yaya to her at this moment, not to mention that Xiao Yaya is the pistachio in her family, and she is not short of that little money, so naturally at this moment Will not hand over the little girl.

And when the great aunt heard An Xin's words, she immediately frowned, looked at An Xin with disgust and contempt, and sneered a little, "Do you want the lion to speak loudly, hello?" Say a price, I will give you how much you want, as long as you hand over the little girl, I will give you the money you want, "

The aunt looked at this An Xin said, with a look of sarcasm and contempt, the young man in front of her was dressed like a human being, and his temperament seemed to be very good, but she had seen many people of all levels, so she was looking at him at the moment. When it came to An Xin, she never thought she was a good person just because her temperament looked good.

After all, all the men in the world are black, even the sixteen or seventeen year olds are the same, not to mention that she has seen many beasts, the person in front of her is different. What a bitch looks.

After all, she did some research when she came here, especially about the little girl's appearance. After asking ten people, ten of them said that the little girl was carved in jade, especially the eyes are even more like Can speak the same.

As soon as she heard that the little girl was very good-looking, the aunt became even more determined to get the little girl back. After all, she had been married to that man for four or five years, but she had never been pregnant from the beginning to the end. what's going on?She is crystal clear.

At this moment, my body was not hollowed out by others in the early years. Although I am recuperating day by day, I just want to get pregnant, but it is very small and impossible at all.

And at this moment, if I don't have a child, my status will definitely decline. In addition to my husband's children, none of them like me very much. If I don't want to find a backer at this moment, it will be even more difficult.

After all, now that she has lived a life of prosperity and wealth, how could she still be willing to go back to this hard life? At this moment, I heard that this little girl is long and carved with jade, and she is also five or six years old.

The children in the family are all seventeen or eighteen years old, and there are also some who are a few years old. Maybe she can use this little girl to get better treatment. After all, she is naturally lustful for all men in the world. Yaya's training, she believes that when little Yaya grows up, she will definitely bring good benefits to herself.

So at this moment, the aunt has made up her mind to train the little girl from childhood to adulthood, first teach her how to catch a man's heart, how to teach her how to live, then her life in this mansion will be easier Yes, after all, as long as she trains her, the little girl can definitely become a beauty embryo.

"I'm afraid you haven't investigated clearly. I don't need anything, so you can take this money back for retirement, not to mention that the little girl eats and drinks with me. Our family has never regarded her as an outsider. She belongs to our family." Little princess, it's not that you look at the servant who can be bought and sold casually. If you want a child, you can go to the trafficker to get it, or buy it from other places. Don't meddle with me, little girl Ya is my sister, not something that can be bought and sold casually, "

When An Xin heard what the auntie said, she immediately became angry. How many times does this woman have to say it herself before she realizes that the little yaya is a member of her family, not a commodity that can be bought and sold casually, the little yaya is her Sister, even if she is not related by blood, she is still her sister. She is concerned about the existence of An Qiao and An Youcai. May I ask who will sell his sister?
At this moment, the reason why An Xin hesitated at the beginning was because she knew that the person in front of her was a relative of Xiao Yaya. If she really cared about Xiao Yaya, she might consider letting Xiao Yaya choose by herself.

Go with her big aunt, or stay here, but she is not willing at this moment. There is too much resentment, too much cynicism and hatred in this woman's eyes, she really dare not give the little girl to her eyes. this person.

(End of this chapter)

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