pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1043 The Jun family is here

Chapter 1043 The Jun family is here (9)
But facing Jun Qianjun at this moment, although An Xin was a little surprised, she was not too surprised. Although Jun Qianjun is the second in charge of the Jun family at the moment, it is just something in his own hands. For the Jun family, it really has something Great temptation.

After all, during this period of time, this rouge gouache has gradually gained its reputation, and more and more people are attracted by it, and many women will come to this county to buy rouge gouache.

After all, this beauty for you is sold at a fixed rate every day at this moment. If you want to buy rouge and gouache, you don't need to come early, and everyone can only buy two boxes at most, this is also for more Start the brand.

After all, the rouge gouache has gone to the whole family at this moment, so those who know it will naturally be slower, but if the rouge gouache goes to the whole family, the spread will naturally be faster, plus the [-]% off card that day Well, now that this beautiful business and reputation for you is getting louder and louder, more and more people want to make up their minds.

It's just that these people want to pay attention to An Xin at this moment, but they are not that easy to fight. At this moment, An Xin and Qin Yihan are equal to this model. It's really a male protagonist inside and a female protagonist outside.

And when this Jun Qian Jun heard An Xin's words, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and he frowned quickly. He was very displeased with An Xin's acceptance. Holding it on a high place, Jun Qian Jun may not like it immediately.

It's just that this displeased look was only for a moment, and soon Jun Qian Jun regained his composure, then looked at the aunt, and said in a cold voice, "Bitch, come and kneel down to apologize, do you know that you offended me?" Who did you kill? This is an honored guest of the Jun family, how can a lowly person like you offend it? "

Jun Qianjun looked at the aunt behind him and said, there was a cold look in the eyes of the mouse. When he looked at the aunt, it seemed as if he was about to freeze her whole body, making her cold to the bone.

But at this moment, when the auntie heard what Jun Qian Jun said, she immediately knelt down in front of An Xin, "Miss, you used to be a slave, and the slave was talking nonsense just now, you have to see that I am a little girl." Yaya's dear aunt let me off. I just said that because I was worried that something would happen to little Yaya. I really didn't have any malice. I'm sorry, Miss, please forgive me , it's all because of my cheap mouth,"

Speaking of this, the auntie shook her mouth in her face, and slapped her face with her hands desperately. After all, this auntie is not stupid at the moment. When she saw Jun Qianjun's attitude towards An Xin, she naturally knew She caused trouble, so at this moment she regretted it.

When she came to inquire about the county with Jun Qianjun, she had already heard that Jun Qianjun was here to do business, but she didn't figure out what it was for a while?
But because she is a woman, she didn't pay much attention to it, and after arriving in Xun County, the first person she wanted to inquire about was the little girl's mother.

After all, so many years have passed, she really wanted to see her sister's happy face, but to her disappointment, her sister died as early as last year, and this aunt was very confused about this.

For a moment, she didn't know whether to be happy or to cry, but when she heard about this little girl, she began to plan secretly in her heart, planning to take the little girl back, and train her as her bargaining chip in the future.

At this moment, the aunt immediately regretted it. Why didn't she investigate at that time, the background of the An family, and why the gentleman Qian Jun came here to inquire about the county?

And at this moment, the aunt is also a smart person, upon hearing what Jun Qianjun said, she quickly knelt down to apologize and admit her mistake, after all, in her eyes, the dignity and self-esteem had already been lost in the brothel.

The only thing she wants at this moment is to live a life of prosperity and wealth. At this moment, she will naturally not let herself throw away the life in front of her just because she offended An Xin, so she said kneeling at this moment, even if she is allowed to go through a dog's hole She would also sneak in without hesitation, after all, in her mind, as long as life is good, even if life is low, what will be lost?After all, her stubbornness and dignity have long been obliterated, and what is left now is that distorted heart and full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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