pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1044 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1044 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (1)
When An Xin saw this aunt kneeling on the ground, she immediately frowned. When she saw her slap and greet her face, she had to say that the woman in front of her was very knowledgeable about current affairs. How to do the best choice for yourself?

And at this moment, if this auntie is acting like a baby, instead of choosing to kneel down, I am afraid that her good life in the future will really come to an end, but at this moment, she chooses to kneel down in a humble way to win the sympathy of everyone, I really have to say The woman in front of her is very scheming, but she is also very smart.

When An Qiao saw that the aunt was beating her, she immediately frowned and looked at An Xin, but she didn't say anything at the moment, after all, these things in front of her were beyond her ability to speak.

But at this moment, when the little girl saw that scene, her little face turned pale with fright, and she hid behind An Xin, and when An Xin saw this, she hugged the little girl.

Then he pressed the little girl, oh no, An Yueran's little head on his chest at this moment, and said in a cold voice, "I want to see Madam's sincerity, but please stop, Madam, after all, An Xin still needs more money." Living in this rural village, if you slap yourself like this at this moment, someone might say that An Xin is bullying others tomorrow, so you'd better stop, I don't care about this kind of thing, as long as you don't cause trouble for the little girl in the future, today's The matter has been taken over here, I wonder if the Second Master Jun has any objections?"

When An Xin was talking, she looked at Jun Qian Jundao at the side. After all, she didn't want to make a fuss about the little girl at the moment. After all, the little girl would have to live in the future. If things become big now, Maybe for this little girl, it will leave a big shadow on her.

And when Jun Qianjun heard An Xin's words, he also smiled and said, "I want Miss An to be magnanimous and forgive this bitch. You don't want Miss An to say thank you."

When Jun Qian Jun heard An Xin's words, he turned his head to look at the aunt and said, and when the aunt heard Jun Qian Jun's words, she immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to An Xin. There was a sinister chill.

Today An Xin made her feel so ashamed, how could she not hold grudges, although it was a bit strange for An Xin to be a woman, but at this moment she didn't care about it at all, at this moment she just knew that An Xin had given her a great shame.

It's just that at this moment the big aunt can't do anything about An Xin, so the resentment is added to the little girl, and at this moment, when the little girl sees the big aunt's gaze, she immediately shattered, and her eyes widened. Guang looked at the eldest aunt tremblingly.

do not know why?Just now she felt very cold, very cold, especially when she saw the eyes of her aunt, she suddenly became even more frightened, just thinking about that little dark room.

At this moment, An Xin naturally didn't miss the coldness, but she didn't care about it at the moment, but when she saw the little girl trembling, she rubbed her forehead with her hand, letting the little girl feel the pain in her heart. Fear gradually faded.

It's just that when she looked at the aunt, An Xin's eyes turned a little cold. For her, if the aunt dared to make trouble at this moment, she wouldn't mind letting her have a taste of it. What is regret? !After all, this aunt had said this to herself just now.

Especially at this moment when the aunt's aunt targeted Xiao Yaya, An Xin was even more displeased. After all, Xiao Yaya is her sister, when is it the turn of outsiders to intimidate her? An Xin's eyes flashed when she saw this There was a touch of coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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