pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1048 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1048 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (5)
And Boss Chen and Manager Yao knew very well that the second boss was probably blaming the two of them at this moment, blaming the two of them since they had met An Xin at a very early age, why didn't they bring them with them at that time? return?
But at this moment, Manager Yao wanted to say that that time, Junhua's smoke bomb was fired so hard that even he got it wrong for a while, because at this moment, Junhua's smoke bomb directly pushed An Xin to the forefront.

However, some things came out secretly, and those things proved that An Xin was just a matter of replacing the dead ghost, so at that time, even Manager Yao was confused by Junhua's smokescreen.

So at this moment, seeing Jun Qianjun's eyes, this steward Yao is just getting more and more helpless. After all, who would have thought of it a few months ago?At that time, could the little girl have such an achievement?
After all, at that time, although An Xin invented bean sprouts, and these few dishes were only in the eyes of Manager Yao and Boss Chen, they were just a pretty good existence, but they were not enough in Jun's house, so they didn't like them at that time. You can blame them for not caring.

And when this Jun Qian Jun looked at the two, he didn't ask any more questions, but walked down directly with An Xin. After all, these two have always been his right-hand men, and they seldom appear in normal times. situation.

But at this moment, this kind of accident happened. After thinking about it, he didn't intend to pursue it any further. After all, the past is the past. When he pursues it, he just thinks that he, the master, is caressing. The identity of the second master.

And just after the food was served, An Xin asked his servants to prepare wine for the three of them, and at this moment, An Xin also murmured a few words into the maidservant's ear, "Mr. Qin has come back?"

And when the servant girl heard An Xin's words, she shook her head, expressing that she had never seen Qin Yihan at the moment, and when An Xin saw this, she said again, "Take out my sweet-scented osmanthus wine from that day, remember If Mr. Qin comes back, let him go out to investigate the situation on the mountain."

As soon as An Xin heard that Qin Yihan hadn't come back, she decided to take out the sweet-scented osmanthus wine she brewed. After all, if Qin Yihan was here at this moment, An Xin really wouldn't dare to drink anymore.

Because of An Xin's frequent use of water these past few days, his body felt a little cold, and at first, Qin Yihan didn't believe his own words at all, so he asked An Qiao to show him. Alcohol and spicy food.

And in the past few days, Qin Yihan has been watching Qin Yihan very closely. Now that he heard that Qin Yihan had gone out and hadn't come back, An Xin was going to have sex. After all, An Xin likes to drink this wine, especially himself. brewed wine.

But at this moment, An Xin didn't dare to confront Qin Yihan, after all, Qin Yihan was worried about her own body, and she didn't have the courage to stand up to the wind and commit crimes, but it's different when the guests come.

I have been greedy for that sweet-scented osmanthus wine for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity to take it out, and now I finally found the opportunity, and Qin Yihan was not at home, so An Xin naturally wanted to drink it first.

And when the servant girl heard An Xin's words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she was speechless about An Xin, after all, everyone in the house knew that Qin Yihan didn't allow An Xin to drink, so what did she take at this moment?Or not?
But soon the servant girl decided to take it. After all, in her mind, An Xin is the master, and Mr. Qin is a guest. At this moment, this young lady cannot be offended, let alone Mr. Qin is not here.

For a while, she didn't know who gave it to the young lady, so at this moment, the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl planned to please An Xin and said that if Mr. Qin asked, she would say that An Xin was the young lady and she was just a slave. How could it be possible to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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