pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1049 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1049 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (6)
And when An Xin faced the servant girl who knows current affairs as Junjie, she was very satisfied, and soon the sweet-scented osmanthus wine was brought up, and when An Xin saw this, she poured wine for several people.

After An Xin ordered the servants to pour the wine, she said to the crowd, "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus wine brewed just a few days ago in my humble house. If it doesn't suit everyone's appetite, you can tell it. it is good,"

And when Jun Qianjun heard An Xin's words, he smiled and said, "Miss An, you are too out of touch. I believe that as long as it is made by Miss An, it must be a good wine."

And when An Xin heard it, she smiled and said, and soon everyone took a sip of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, and soon everyone was slightly taken aback, the taste of this wine is really different from what they drank in the past.

The taste of this wine is not as clear as other wines, but a bit viscous, but when you drink it, it is sweet and not spicy. When you drink it for the first time, you are not used to it, but when you drink it for the second time, it has endless aftertaste.

But at this moment, this wine is a bit weak for Jun Qianjun, because he likes to drink that kind of strong wine, but at this moment, this wine is just right for Yao Guanshi, because he likes this kind of taste at the moment.

"If people like this wine, I'm afraid I'm not used to it, but this wine is the most suitable for old people and women," An Xin looked at the crowd and said, and when everyone heard it, they all said nodded.

And in the next few people, none of them said the goal of today's visit, and at this moment, An Xin didn't ask half a word. family friends.

At this moment, he would not talk about getting angry and chasing people away. After all, the enemy will not move and I will not move. Before the enemy makes a move, An Xin is very happy to drink and chat with them. After all, this conversation is technical work at this moment.

At this moment, not only can others tell you what to say, but you can also tell others what to say. Today, An Xin played on Jun Qianjun's words a little bit, although it was rare, but she also deliberated a little bit from it.

That is, at this moment, Jun Qingyan couldn't leave in the capital, and Che Jun Jiaoyan was also punished after returning. Naturally, these things are safe guesses, after all, she is not easy on other people's family affairs.

And the person who should have come at this moment should also be this Jun Qingyan, but at this moment Jun Qingyan is fighting with this Junhua in the capital, and at this moment the Jun family is also sowing discord.

After drinking for a while, Jun Qianjun frowned when he saw that An Xin hadn't asked any questions from the beginning to the end, thinking that this little girl could really hold her breath at this moment.

For An Xin not to ask, this Jun Qian Jun was also a little impatient, after all, he was not here to drink at this moment, but to talk about things, and at this time this Jun Qian Jun planned to speak first.

"I don't know what is the relationship between Miss An and Junhua?" At this moment, Jun Qianjun said casually, and when An Xin heard Jun Qianjun's words, she was taken aback for a moment. She really didn't expect that Jun Qianjun Jun will open his mouth on the topic of Junhua.

I saw that Jun Qian Jun pretended not to know at this moment. After all, the relationship between Jun's family Anxin and Junhua had been investigated clearly at this moment. Even when they met, it was also clear. The general question is really surprising.

And when An Xin heard Jun Qian Jun's words, he took a sip of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, smiled and said, "The partnership," is simple and convenient, and has never been muddled, and Jun Qian Jun almost swallowed it to death. .

(End of this chapter)

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