pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1050 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1050 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (7)
When Jun Qianjun heard An Xin's words, his eyes looked at An Xin, as if he wanted to see through An Xin, and every time he looked at An Xin, there was a faint light, leisurely.

"I don't know if Ms. An knows that Junhua is engaged in the capital at this moment. I heard that Junhua will hold a big banquet next month. I invite all the rich children in the capital to settle the marriage," and at this moment When An Xin heard Jun Qian Jun's words, she paused for a moment with her hand holding the wine glass, and a look of depression flashed in her eyes.

After all, although An Xin knew about Junhua's engagement at this moment, he never received Junhua's wedding invitation from the beginning to the end, and he didn't mention a word in Feige's letter a few days ago, and he was a little concerned about this matter. After all, Junhua is his first friend when he came to this world, and also a confidant.

After all, at this moment, Junhua is a business partner for An Xin, but he is also a person who understands himself very well, but at this moment, don't make a mistake, what Jun Hua understands is An Xin for business ambitions.

In Junhua's mind, An Xin is a very ambitious woman. She is not willing to submit to anyone, and she is not the same as submitting to anyone. Her heart is higher than the sky and bigger than the sea.

At this moment, Junhua is also very clear about his pride in the shopping mall, and also understands An Xin's enthusiasm in his bones, but at this moment, Qin Yihan is the person who understands An Xin best. Although he doesn't know why An Xin is so persistent, in business everything of.

But she clearly understands that that's all she wants, and at this moment, Qin Yihan also understands the loneliness in An Xin's heart, and why is this at this moment?An Xinhui has such a difference between Qin Yihan and Junhua.

If it is said that Junhua knows his own best, he bears the brunt, because he is his partner, and at this moment, what Qin Yihan doesn't understand, Junhua can quickly understand, but at this moment, Junhua doesn't understand An Xin's heart.

An Xin is very competitive but has the mentality of a little woman after all, but at this moment Qin Yihan is different, he will blatantly spoil An Xin, and at the beginning, he never thought of using An Xin, he just wanted to give her everything.

But this Junhua is different at this moment. If you really want to say it, this Junhua is very similar to An Xin at this moment, because they are both that kind of people. Using the idea of ​​peace of mind is to deceive ghosts.

And the same is true for An Xin at this moment, she is also a person who can use everything, and all of that includes herself, so at this moment An Xin and Jun Hua really have a heart-to-heart idea.

At this moment, this gentleman is climbing up, and he can even use his life's major events, just like in An Xin's previous life, he was constantly using the people around him. If two people who are so similar walk together, it will be a mistake after all.

This is also why Anxinhui separated Junhua in his heart from the very beginning, and this Qin Yihan may be the original beauty, the first time we met, it was completely good, because that time it was so clear without any impurities, human It is said that it is a pledge of eternal love, day and night, but it will definitely lose in one thing, still a very small matter.

"I've heard about this incident a little bit, but I don't know where the second master got it from," An Xin said with a smile when she took a sip of sweet-scented osmanthus wine when she heard what this Jun Qian Jun said.

Regarding the matter of Junhua's engagement, An Xin was angry, and he was angry that Junhua's engagement was such a big matter that he didn't talk to himself, so that he could prepare the congratulatory gift, but at this moment, what does it mean for him to hide it like this?
(End of this chapter)

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