pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1051 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table

Chapter 1051 Sowing discord and fighting at the dinner table (8)
Soon An Xin laughed at herself, maybe she thought that she and Junhua had already changed from a partner to a friend relationship from the beginning to the end, but at this moment, Junhua didn't think so all the time, so even I was too lazy to give the invitation, it was really a cooperation without any personal matters.

But at this moment, this reassuring hesitation in the eyes of Jun Qianjun is another kind of scenery. After all, this gentleman looks very evil, and he knows this Jun Qianjun very clearly. After all, just look at Jun Qingyan. up.

Although one of the two is evil and charming, while the other has a feminine appearance, but at this moment it is undeniable that this Jun Qingyan also has a fascinating existence, so at this moment this Jun Qianjun is thinking.

At this moment, An Xin is 12 years old, and it's time for her to be young, especially at this moment, Jun Hua is still so good-looking. At this moment, Jun Qian Jun doesn't believe An Xin, and will not be tempted by Jun Hua at all.

"Hey,,,, this child is too ignorant. It's really wrong to hide such a big matter from Miss An. I'm here to apologize to Miss An." Where does the tone say.

In front of An Xin, he said a lot of bad things about Jun Hua. Anyway, there were many bad things. At this moment, Jun Qianjun took them all out and told An Xin, as if he was complaining for An Xin.

And when Jun Qianjun said it, and when An Xin heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, and his expression was a little bit smiling, "Second master, you are joking, this is a big welcome event, it is this gentleman. There is no need for him to explain the personal affairs of Young Master Hua to me, not to mention that my relationship with Young Master Junhua is only a cooperative relationship, and it has not reached the point where he has to explain everything to me. It must be the second master, you misunderstood An Xin and this young master Junhua, but there has never been any ambiguity, "

When she heard Jun Qian Jun's words, the smile on An Xin's face remained the same, but her eyes became a little colder. At this moment, this person is clearly trying to sow discord. If she has thoughts about Jun Hua at this moment, she may be thinking wildly at this moment .

It's a pity that from the day she made Junhua a partner, she never planned to have any personal relationship with Junhua, especially this love is absolutely impossible, because once many things are related to love, That would make a simple thing very complicated at that moment.

And at this moment, An Xin also knows that this Jun Qianjun probably thinks that he likes Junhua, so he uses Junhua's engagement as an example, so as to destroy her relationship with Junhua, it's just his wishful thinking at this moment I'm afraid I'm going to make a typo.

And when this Jun Qian Jun heard An Xin's words, the smile on his face froze for a bit, and when he looked at An Xin, he also had a hint of tranquility, and the dark light in his eyes flickered even more.

"Miss An sees it clearly. Is it possible that you don't care about it at all, Miss An. Junhua is marrying someone else at the moment. You must know that after he marries, she is the niece of the imperial concubine. You must never give up or give up. It's the next court, and at this moment, once this Junhua marries this girl, it is impossible for him to marry someone else as an ordinary wife," and at this moment, Jun Qianjun still did not give up after looking at An Xin's time.

At this moment, as long as there is a gap between An Xin and Jun Hua, then this time he has six levels of confidence to get this little girl. Of course, if this little girl doesn't like Jun Hua at this moment, then things will be easier to handle.

After all, if she doesn't like Junhua at this moment, it means that the relationship between her and Junhua at this moment is just a cooperative relationship. At that time, it will be much easier for him to start.

(End of this chapter)

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