pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1054 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 1054 Negotiation Failure (2)
At this moment, it is undeniable that she wants everyone in the world to know her rouge powder and everything about herself, but at this moment she doesn't need to rely on the Jun family to maintain her relationship.

What's more, she already has her own plan. As long as her plan can succeed, she will be able to make a big splash and let everyone clearly see her existence.

At this moment, the words of the Jun family, although they sound good, are just empty words after all. Even if they are given to me in the future, it is just that the people who benefited a lot at that time are still the same as the Jun family, and I am afraid that I have already been buried. up.

And when Jun Qianjun heard this An Xin's words, a sneer flashed in his eyes, "Miss An is so courageous, but at this moment, Miss An, you really think that you can achieve your thoughts with this Junhua Don't forget, Ms. An, as a woman, you show your face all the time, which is unavoidably inappropriate, not to mention that Junhua is about to get engaged at this moment. If his fiancée knows the relationship between you and Junhua Relationship, do you think you can be safe and sound?"

Seeing that you can't be soft, now this Jun Qianjun is coming to be tough, and he starts to threaten An Xin, "Miss An, don't lie to me, you will have no thought for that Junhua at all, others say you are a gentleman. It's so good, and this good man at the moment, you women are also good at it, not to mention that the Jun family is a dragon among men regardless of their appearance and spirit, I don't believe it, you have never had that kind of thought at all, I am afraid that the reason why Miss An is unwilling to go to the capital with me at this moment is because she is afraid that if this Junhua finds out, when you betray him, she will feel resentful towards you, so you are hesitant at this moment, "

Jun Qianjun looked at this and said with peace of mind, although he didn't like Junhua very much, but he couldn't deny that Junhua was indeed excellent, after all, Junhua and Jun Qingyan were almost evenly divided at the moment. So this gentleman, Qian Jun, is naturally very clear about this Junhua's temptation to women.

At this moment, not to mention being in such a poor country, even in the capital city, there are many women flocking to him, and there are many people who want to marry him, let alone a place like this now, where such men are all big and thick, then this gentleman Hua's arrival is even more fragrant, so at this moment, she doesn't believe that An Xin has never been tempted.

"It's just Miss An, but don't forget that Junhua's betrothed person at this moment is the niece of the imperial concubine. If you step on it at this moment, the person who will be abandoned by then will definitely be you. After all, although you are very You have talent, but for the interests of this man, you know too little after all. You and him are just a pawn, a dispensable pawn, so if you don't talk to us at this moment, Ms. An Go home, I'm afraid you will suffer a catastrophe," Jun Qian Jun looked at this and said with peace of mind, every word was like a sharp blade, constantly cutting the hearts of others.

At this moment, Jun Qian Jun is also clearly telling An Xin, telling An Xin that she is delusional about Jun Hua at the moment, and she is obsessed with Jun Hua at this moment. If Jun Hua's future wife hears it, then I am afraid that I will lose my life. At this moment, this is simply a disguised threat to An Xin.

And when An Xin heard it, she immediately burst out laughing, "Haha,,, the second master, you are really good at eloquence, but unfortunately for me, although this Junhua is good, he is not the person I like after all, let alone What's more, at this moment, Junhua is like, the snow lotus on the snow mountain, which is unattainable and you can see it from a distance, but it is difficult to do it. Compared with the unattainable snow lotus, the little girl likes it after all, the mountain spring flower under the eldest son's own feet, You can watch it in the palm of your hand all the time, so what you say, the second master, is just a joke to me, "

(End of this chapter)

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