pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1055 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 1055 Negotiation Failure (3)
This Junhua is good, and he is also very handsome. He does have an attractive temptation. It is undeniable that if he met a man like Junhua in his previous life, he might be tempted.

It's just that people live in this world, after many days, they naturally understand what they should ask for. He can clearly see that person is kind and kind, but under that smiling face, he has a cold heart, making it impossible for everyone to get close.

And unfortunately, she doesn't like to play challenging things, so when she saw Junhua for the first time, she completely broke her mind, and now she treats Junhua like a snow lotus on the top of a snow mountain , some are just to appreciate the beauty.

After all, there is no one in the world who doesn't like beautiful things, not to mention that Junhua looks so enchanting at the moment, she naturally likes it, but the liking at this moment is only for beautiful things, this is what she distinguishes very clear.

"Second Master, you want the little girl to go to the capital. It can be said that you have taken great pains. It's a pity that the little girl is also a stone in the cesspit. It is smelly and hard. The most annoying thing is this life without freedom. Do you think we will suffer? It's a pity that I am not a soft persimmon. Anyone who comes can take a bite. If someone touches my family, I will kill her family. If there is any accident in my family, I will pay it back a hundredfold ," when An Xin was speaking, the sinister aura all over her body burst out in an instant.

At this moment, Jun Qian Jun couldn't help being a little startled when he saw An Xin's appearance. The sinister aura told him that the woman in front of him was not joking, and that she really had that kind of thought in front of him.

When he saw this peace of mind, Jun Qian Jun also had to admit that everything in front of him was out of his control, and this woman was not under anyone's easy control at all.

When she first entered the door, she had a smile on her face from beginning to end, and that smile was like a warm sun. The amiability made everyone lose their guard, but it was different at this moment. A fierce ghost made everyone frightened.

After An Xin looked at the crowd, she smiled. The smile on her face at this moment was no longer the coldness just now, but only a friendly smile. At this moment, she looked like a big brother next door. After all, she is wearing men's clothes at the moment.

"The little girl of the second leader has lost her composure. The little girl just cares about her family. If the second leader has something else to do, you can tell the little girl. She will do her best to help you." An Xin looked at everyone and smiled. He smiled, but no matter how you looked at this smile, he felt a little cold.

Although the woman in front of him was smiling, Jun Qian Jun felt that his heart was cold, especially in his eyes, there was no warmth at all. Who is this person in front of him?

Who is she?Why is it that those eyes at such a young age have already revealed a light that does not match the age?Why can children who are clearly in their teens be so smart, and when they look at things, they are even clearer than them.

And where did the coldness in her body come from at this moment, why does she have such a coldness at this moment?She is really only twelve or thirteen years old?Is it really just a little girl in this small village?

At this moment, the gentleman Qian Jun couldn't understand it, and at this moment, when the manager Yao heard An Xin's words, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. What An Xin said at this moment was very pleasant.

What does it mean to raise something?At this moment, you have told all these things to one person. At this moment, they have nothing to say, not to mention you blocked them with a word. Even if they are opening their mouths at this moment, they will not know what to say for a while. ?

(End of this chapter)

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