pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1057 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 1057 Negotiation Failure (5)
At this moment, Jun Qian Jun's only hope is to get the formula of these rouge gouache first. After all, in Jun Qian Jun's opinion, the biggest reliance for his peace of mind at this moment is probably these rouge gouache.

And when the steward Yao heard what Jun Qian Jun said, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, "Second Master, if we get the rouge gouache formula at this moment, then this little girl is nothing to us at all." It's useless, why do we have to spend so much time here? Isn't this a waste of our time?"

At this moment, Manager Yao couldn't figure it out. If the rouge gouache formula was wrong, this peace of mind would be useless to them at all, so what would the second master do at that time?
And when Jun Qianjun heard the words of the steward Yao, he smiled in his eyes, but he didn't speak at the moment, what is he going to do?Naturally, it is used to develop rouge powder.

Now this woman can make this set of rouge and gouache, maybe she will make more in the future, not to mention that these things are originally made by her. If she goes to this Jun's house at this moment, it will be as if It's even more powerful.

What's more, the little girl's head at this moment is not just the rouge and gouache, her clothes are really well drawn at the moment, looking at the beautiful things inside for you, at this moment, Jun Qian Jun knows the value of this peace of mind at this moment , but far more than this rouge gouache.

After all, Jun Qian Jun also has his own plan at this moment, that is, if An Xin returns to Jun's house with her, and when she returns to that big family, she will naturally depend on herself to live.

After all, he believed that after that girl arrived at Jun's family, she would soon understand clearly that if she didn't attach herself to him at that time, she wouldn't be able to survive in that kind of family.

At the moment, the aunt who was on the side, when she heard the words of the people, although she half understood, but there was one thing she understood very well, that is, the negotiation seemed to have collapsed this time.

When thinking of this, a coldness flashed in the eyes of the auntie, but it was quickly suppressed by herself. After all, although the gentleman Qian Jun said he was broken at this moment, he had not completely broken up. When thinking of this, the aunt couldn't help becoming impetuous in her heart.

At this moment, she is very much expecting that An Xin can completely break with the Jun family, because then she can take revenge on that cheap girl. When she thinks of An Xin, the aunt's eyes suddenly flashed A touch of ruthlessness.

At this moment, she must get this little girl. As for An Xin, she wants to see how An Xin can protect that little bitch by herself after she really fell out with the Jun family.

A gleam of joy flashed across the face of the great aunt when she thought about it, but she quickly restrained herself, and then poured tea for the three people, but she already had her own calculations and thoughts in her heart.

But at this moment, An Xin sent the servants to pack up after sending away the gentleman, Qian Jun and others. After asking the servants to pack up, An Qiao from the side also came over. When he went up, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

An Qiao walked directly to An Xin's side and said, "Xin'er, what are you thinking? Xin'er, you..." In fact, she heard what he said just now, and what Jun Qianjun threatened An Xin, so she was also very disturbed at the moment up.After all, at the moment when others were blatantly threatening An Xin, An Qiao was really afraid that something might happen to An Xin, so when he was happy with An Xin, his eyes were somewhat worried and fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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