pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1058 Negotiation Failure

Chapter 1058 Negotiation Failure (6)
It's just that she felt guilty because she found that she couldn't help An Xin all of a sudden, just like she couldn't help just now, after all, she knew very well just now that if she Come out, I'm afraid it will just mess things up.

And when An Xin heard An Qiao's words, she opened her eyes to look at An Xin, a slight smile flashed in her eyes, then pulled An Qiao to her seat, and covered hers with her hands .

"Sister, don't think too much, nothing will happen. What's more, sister, you have to know that I will protect this family well and won't let what Jun Qianjun said just now happen." An Xin's hearing is amazing. When this gentleman Qian Jun was talking, he already felt that there was someone in the back hall.

When Jun Qianjun uttered threatening words, An Qiao's mood fluctuated a little. Now that he saw An Qiao, An Xin became more certain that the person hiding behind was An Qiao just now. up.

When An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he opened his mouth and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried. Xin'er, why didn't you agree to this Jun's family? Could it be..."

At this moment, after looking at An Xin, An Qiao couldn't help saying, after all, in An Xin's eyes, the Jun family is an unattainable existence. Their hugeness and their threat can make her penetrate into the marrow of her bones. of.

And when An Xin heard An Qiao's words, she looked at An Qiao with a light smile, as if she was laughing at An Qiao's innocence. She really thought very naive and simple, but the world doesn't need to be like this after all. Innocent and simple people.

However, her heart was warm and heartwarming. At this moment, An Xin naturally knew that An Qiao was worried about herself, that's why she said those words, but her sister didn't see everything clearly after all.

"Sister, don't you think that as long as I agree to the request of the Jun family, our family will be safe and sound?" An Xin looked at An Qiaodao, there was a trace of ridicule in her eyes, and there was also a sneer , is laughing at this honored guest of Jun's family, is it really true?
And when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he was taken aback for a moment, isn't he right now?As long as this little girl agrees to the Jun family, then everything can be easily solved.

And when An Xin saw An Qiao's expression, she said word by word, "I'm afraid my sister also thinks that I have thoughts about this young master Junhua, but you don't know, my sister, so what if the Jun family reuses me now? A lot of things will be squeezed out of a person. If I leave this Jun's house now, ten years later, 20 years later, once I arrive at this Jun's house, I will not be able to help others, and I will not be able to help myself. Sister, you must know , this Jun's house is a big dye vat, if you go in now, don't even think about coming out, "

An Xin looked at the Anqiao Road. At this moment, Anqiao didn't know about the inside story of the big family, and the scumbags inside were also fighting. He didn't want it to be as simple as he imagined at the moment. Once he went If it is true, it is easy to hide the open gun and difficult to defend against the hidden arrow.

"Sister, you don't think that this second boss really invited me sincerely?" An Xin looked at An Qiaodao, and when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, she was slightly taken aback and looked at An Xin There was a bit of bewilderment and doubt in his eyes.

At this moment, she really didn't know what An Xin said, but An Xin's next words made her feel even more chilled. An Xin looked at the sky not far away with a sneer, and at this moment, the second in charge probably also had some small thoughts.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this Jun Qian Jun to spend so much time building relationships with him at this moment. I am afraid that he already has his own calculations at this moment. He is really a member of a big family, and the more people there are, the more thoughts he will naturally have.

(End of this chapter)

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