pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1075: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes

Chapter 1075: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes (5)
Then he directly threw An Xin out, and at this moment when An Xin was thrown out, she quickly stabilized her figure in the air, and then directly landed on a big tree not far away.

It's just that when she just landed on the big tree, An Xin soon felt a chill coming from behind her. As soon as she felt the chill, An Xin was slightly taken aback, and avoided it without thinking.

After avoiding it, An Xin realized that there was also a big boa constrictor on the big tree at the moment. Seeing this, An Xin's complexion suddenly became the color of a bitter melon, let alone a bitter one.

At this moment, An Xin wanted to scold someone, Nima, did he enter the snake's den?An Xin soon discovered that he had indeed entered the snake's nest, because there were many snakes constantly emerging from the surrounding places at this moment.

When An Xin saw those big and small pythons, she smiled and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, I'm passing by, and I don't mean anything malicious, so don't mess around,"

When she saw the pythons around her, An Xin would be an idiot if she thought that all this was normal. After all, she had never heard that there would be a place in this mountain where people lived. There are hundreds of pythons, big and small.

But at this moment, when the python heard An Xin's words, An Xin actually realized at that moment that the python was quite humane, and was not attacking her, but just looking at An Xin, each one became more sinister.

Even though An Xin's concentration was strong, he couldn't help but shudder when he looked at the fiery eyes under these hundred pairs of snake eyes, especially the crimson eyes, which made people feel even more eerie.

But at this moment, after An Xin looked at the snakes around her, she became more and more prosperous, "Everyone have something to say, I really didn't intend to enter, not to mention that you don't want this place to be discovered by outsiders at this moment. If something happened here, I am afraid that the people in this village will find it one by one. Once they find this place at that time, I am afraid it will not be so easy to solve, and now you let me go, I will never confide in the slightest ,"

An Xin looked at the boa constrictors around her, and she didn't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that these snakes were being controlled by someone, and when she thought of this, An Xin couldn't help but feel a little bit of pain. A touch of worry came.

And at this moment, An Xin doesn't care whether these snakes can understand his words, so he sends out friendly messages. After all, these snakes are very sensitive at this moment. Torn apart by these snakes.

It's just like this at this moment, when An Xin saw those snakes, she still couldn't help but her hairs stood on end, and at this moment, her whole body felt even more chilly, damn it.

Who is controlling these ghost things at this moment?After all, she has never seen a snake before, when will she plot people, not to mention that this snake has never actively attacked others.

But these boa constrictors in front of him are actively finding fault one by one, so at this moment, An Xin has to doubt that there is a mastermind behind the scenes here at this moment, but what exactly does this person want to do?
But at this moment, An Xin also heard Qin Yihan's call not far away, and when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's call, she didn't dare to come out, for fear of offending these ghosts.

It's just that An Xin thought wrong in the next second, because even if she wasn't born at this moment, these things would be irritated, so soon the boa constrictor rushed towards An Xin. I was covered in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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