pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1076: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes

Chapter 1076: Weirdly Besieged by Snakes (6)
He quickly used his lightness kung fu to run, An Xin was still yelling, "Qin Yihan found a damn snake, and there are hundreds of them, please don't come here, I will soon It’s over, you wait,,,”

Afraid that Qin Yihan would be caught by these snakes unknowingly at this moment, An Xin said loudly to Qin Yihan, but at this moment, when Qin Yihan was not far away, when he heard An Xin's words, he immediately trembled slightly. Leng.

At this moment, An Xin's voice is obviously very close at hand, but he can't find An Xin anyway, he can be sure that An Xin is right in front of him, but he can't see An Xin's figure.

When Qin Yihan saw this, he turned around and said, "What's the matter with Xin'er? Where are you? I can hear your voice, but I can't see you. Come out, Xin'er."

When An Xin said that he was being chased by a snake, Qin Yihan became even more worried, but at this moment, he couldn't see that there were hundreds of snakes in An Xin's mouth. snake.

It's just that An Xin's voice is clearly very close at this moment, but he has no way to meet An Xin. Seeing An Xin makes Qin Yihan panic. This is really the first time he has seen such a weird thing.

When seeing this scene, Qin Yihan couldn't help feeling a little worried. At this moment, Qin Yihan yelled loudly to the surroundings, "Xin'er, where are you? I can hear your voice, but I can't see you. You, Xiner, where are you?"

But at this moment, when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she was taken aback for a moment. After avoiding the snake's attack, she looked around. She also heard that Qin Yihan was beside her, but at this moment, she But there is no way to catch Qin Yihan.

Seeing An Xin at this moment, she was relieved of the weirdness around her. There were so many snakes here, and her own voice was loud enough. There were already many places around this place surrounded by snakes.

At this moment, I can hear Qin Yihan's voice, which means that Qin Yihan should be nearby. If he is nearby, it is impossible for these ghosts not to attack Qin Yihan?

But at this moment, they have never attacked Qin Yihan, and at this moment, Qin Yihan has never noticed the snakes around him, and he has never discovered his own existence. At this moment, he can't see himself?Still can't see him?

And at this moment, just as An Xin avoided the attack of the big snake in front, a snake behind him had already opened its mouth and bit An Xin's calf.

At this moment, the snake is much smaller than the boa constrictor, but An Xin can see that the snake is poisonous, because the snake that bites An Xin is a cobra.

After An Xin was bitten by a cobra, her whole body became numb all of a sudden, and then she fell to the ground all at once. In that daze, An Xin could feel the poison entering her in an instant. in the body.

As soon as she felt this, An Xin immediately showed a bitter smile, she never thought that she was killed by these beasts after all the calculations, when she thought of this, An Xin closed her eyes Sometimes, it's all with unwillingness.

At this moment, An Xin thought that she had done a lot of bad things. Although she had thought about how she would die, it was just that she had never thought about the way of death from being bitten by a snake from the beginning to the end.

After all, in the previous life, An Xin was not a good person. Although he never murdered or set fire, he inevitably harmed many people in business, and in this life, the handle was further stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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