pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1103 Something Happened to Little Yaya

Chapter 1103 Something Happened to Little Yaya (1)
"If I don't wake up, you will bully my apprentice daughter-in-law one by one at this moment. You are really daring, and Yao Hong will personally expel you from the ghost doctor today. You can deal with it in the dark night, my lord." I don't want to leave any disaster behind," but at this moment the ghost doctor ignored everyone.

Instead, he glanced coldly at An Yedao who was kneeling on the ground. In fact, although the ghost doctor was unconscious at the beginning, she could clearly hear the conversations of these people.

So everyone also knew that Yao Hong, what good deed did he do?And when Yao Hong heard the ghost doctor's words, he immediately shook his head, wanting to ask for help, but how could this dark night allow Yao Hong to speak.

Instead, he directly took Yao Hong down. After taking Yao Hong down, he brought it up directly. After all, even the ghost doctor had spoken at this moment, and these hidden guards would naturally not hold back at this moment.

And just when the dark guard was taking people down, the dark night made a gesture, and when those dark guards saw it, they nodded one by one, because the gesture just now did not leave any trouble, so It is to kill without mercy.

And after Yao Hong was taken away, An Ye knelt down in front of the ghost doctor and said, "It's good that you wake up now, old sect master, and this subordinate will find the new sect master here."

It's just that the dark night was stopped in the next second, and the ghost doctor waved his hand at this moment, and the dry hand was as dry as a tree branch, and it seemed that the whole person was a dead tree, about to wither and die.

"Don't bother them, just let them get along well, not to mention that the girl has suffered a lot of injuries because of this seat, and it's too late for that brat to feel sorry for her, so how can I have time to come and see the old lady?" , you don't go, lest you make yourself miserable, that brat values ​​his wife more than his master, so he won't make his wife angry," said the ghost doctor, waving his hand at the dark night.

It's just that although the words seem to be blaming at the moment, what is the obvious smile in those eyes?When seeing the appearance of this ghost doctor, anyone can see clearly at this moment that this ghost doctor is very satisfied with the existence of An Xin.

And when An Ye heard the ghost doctor's words, he nodded and said, "I obey, but old door master, your health is better. If you haven't recovered, I will go find someone to look at you."

An Ye never objected to the ghost doctor's words, but An Ye was secretly surprised that the ghost doctor liked peace of mind. He had always thought that the ghost doctor would not like that girl, but only when he saw her .

At this time, I realized that the ghost doctor might have identified the apprentice daughter-in-law, otherwise she would not have taught An Xin the medical books at this moment, and would not have allowed Qin Yihan to cherish An Xin so much.

It's just that at this moment, it's just that Yao Hong can't understand, and he can't see through the hearts of all these people. He doesn't know the reason why he doesn't object to Qin Yihan's actions.

When An Xin gave the ghost doctor acupuncture, and when he saw the ghost doctor suffering, he didn't stand up. It was because he knew very well that the girl was recognized by the ghost doctor, and at this moment It seemed that my premonition was not wrong.

When the ghost doctor heard An Ye's words, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry anymore, although this girl's acupuncture skills are a bit poor, she is still good, not to mention that in just over half a year, she will be able to use acupuncture. You can do this acupuncture so perfectly, this seat is really surprised, "

Thinking of this peace of mind, the ghost doctor smiled more and more. After all, she chose the girl herself, and at this moment she was indeed walking with her apprentice, which really made the ghost doctor feel Very pleased.

(End of this chapter)

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