pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1104 Something Happened to Little Yaya

Chapter 1104 Something Happened to Little Yaya (2)
But at this moment, when An Ye heard it, he didn't talk much, and at this moment, after An Xin returned to her room, her face was a little ugly, and then she sat cross-legged on the bed, but began to heal her injuries.

And when Qin Yihan who came later saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and when he saw An Xin's face, he felt distressed in his heart, but at this moment, he had never been close to An Xin.

After all, he was no longer an idiot, he knew a lot of things by himself, and after a while, when An Xin opened his eyes, Qin Yihan walked over.

"Xin'er, you're better off," Qin Yihan walked up to An Xin and said, and when An Xin saw this, she raised her head to look at Qin Yihan and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. What's more, I'm in good health. Naturally, I won't let her make a mistake, so don't worry about it. By the way, you plan to deal with Yaohong like this?" An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and said.

At this moment, she is not going to let this Yao Hong go, this time he almost hurt herself, if she doesn't do something, then in the future, it will be a trouble for the tiger.

She doesn't want what happened today to happen again, so Yao Hong must be dealt with at this moment, so even Qin Yihan, she must explain it clearly to her at this moment.

At first she planned to solve it secretly, but at the moment she thought it was unnecessary, since she wanted to kill him, she would kill that person in front of Qin Yihan.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he looked at An Xin and said, "Don't worry, the next thing will be left to me to deal with, and I will clean up Yao Hong, and you won't be here in the future." see him,"

Regarding Yao Hong's actions, even Qin Yihan is not staying with Yao Hong at this moment. After all, it is not the first time that Yao Hong has made mistakes at this moment, but many times.

And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she looked at Qin Yihan with a slight smile in her eyes, "Han, I know it's difficult for you to do this, but Han, I don't want anyone to interfere with you and me." Things, at this moment, I have endured Yaohong and ignored him, but this time I don’t intend to endure it, so Han, don’t blame me for forcing you, because I don’t want to have the next time, and I can’t be counted again , I really don't like how he tried so hard to push a woman to you, "

I don't like Yao Hong Anxin very much, but at the beginning, she didn't care about Yao Hong because of Qin Yihan's face, but at this moment she doesn't plan to appease the adulterer. It's not that I will continue to be bullied.

And when Qin Yihan heard it, he shook his head, "No, what's more..." Qin Yihan looked at An Xin, not to mention that Yao Hong was only one of his subordinates at the moment, so naturally he couldn't compare to her.

It's just that at this moment, a soft call came from outside the gate, and when An Xin heard the call, she was taken aback for a moment, "Xin'er, come out and take a look, something happened."

And when Qiao Yunlei frowned when she heard about the accident, what happened at this moment? "Sister, wait a minute, I'll go out right away,"

Although I don't know what the matter at Anqiaokou is?It's just that An Xin is planning to go out to have a look at the moment, Qin Yihan frowned and looked at An Xin when he saw An Xin was about to get up.

"You haven't recovered yet, so you don't want to go out now, let alone if something really happens? I'll deal with it for you first, and you can rest well." Qin Yihan was very unhappy about An Xin getting up, after all, at this moment This An Xin is a wounded patient, how can she get up at this moment.

When An Xin saw this, she was taken aback for a moment, but soon she shook her head at Qin Yihan and said, "I know about my body, so don't worry about it, besides, I really want to know what happened outside." Things, plus you are anxious to let me stay in the room at the moment, it is better to go out and have a look to feel at ease, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, "

An Xin objected to Qin Yihan's words. After all, even though she was injured at this moment, it didn't mean that she was seriously injured. What's more, at this moment, she didn't have any inconvenient legs or feet.

And when Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, he gave up everything, and finally compromised, letting An Xin go out. When An Xin saw Qin Yihan disappear, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She knew that Qin Yihan doted on her the most, and she would never deny her thoughts from beginning to end, just like this moment, but when thinking of this, An Xin also sighed slightly.

In fact, at this moment, she knows very clearly that her strong temper is very unlikable, but even if she understands it very clearly at this moment, she still has no way to come over, because this is her peace of mind.

It's just that for Qin Yihan's accommodating and reassuring, it's impossible not to feel a little bit in his heart. After all, facing a man who is accommodating you all the time, it's a lie if you don't move you, but at the same time, you feel a little bit of guilt in your heart .

At this moment, I was really selfish, An Xin quickly shook her head, then put on her shoes, got up and walked out. After walking out, she saw An Qiao looking at her anxiously.

When An Xin saw An Qiao's appearance, she immediately said, "Did something happen to my sister? Tell me first."

After all, An Qiao hadn't shown such an expression for a long time at this moment, and she thought it must be a big deal for An Qiao to show such an anxious look today.

And when An Qiao heard this, he said, "It's not about the family, but something is wrong with this little girl. Go and have a look quickly, something happened to the little girl."

When An Qiao saw An Xin coming out, he hurriedly pulled An Xin's clothes and said, but when An Xin heard it, his face immediately turned dark.

After all, this little girl is her younger sister, and something happened to her right now, even An Xin couldn't help but look ugly, "Damn it, sister, take me to see what happened to little girl ?”

(End of this chapter)

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