pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1111 Reassuring to say that the plague may be latent

Chapter 1111 Reassuring to say that the plague may be latent (3)
And when the old village chief saw this, he walked up to An Xin and said, "Although you have a good heart, Miss An, it's just that you're delaying everyone's work by doing this at the moment. Just look at it and let them go away. It's sick." How about staying?"

But when An Xin heard it, she shook her head and said, "When I entered the mountain, old village chief, do you know what I saw? I won't tell you now, but old village chief, I suspect that a plague is about to spread , so I want to see, "

When she went into the mountain and saw the scene, even at this moment, she still had lingering fears, and at this moment, she had to show everyone in the village head, so as not to cause problems in the future, and when the old village head heard the reassuring words , suddenly exclaimed, "Plague,,,"

But in the next second, he was stepped on by An Xin, and the old village chief yelled in pain, "Ah,,, what are you doing stepping on me, bitch,,,"

It's just that when the old village chief saw the people around him, he smiled, and then approached Anxin in a low voice, "Girl, can you talk nonsense, you want to know your things, but people will die in minutes, you If you talk nonsense, I’m afraid something serious will happen.”

After all, once the news of the plague spreads, it will cause panic. At this moment, the old village head naturally knows how terrible the plague is. It happened already in the year of the severe drought. If it happened now , I am afraid that many people will die.

And when An Xin heard what the old village chief said, she gave the old village chief a cold look, "You think I don't know? If I don't know this kind of thing, I can't talk nonsense, I will come up with this It's just that if I don't say so at this moment, no one in this village will see a doctor for me, let alone I can't be completely sure, but..."

An Xin approached the old village chief and said, his face turned ugly in an instant, "Just do you know that when I entered the mountain, I found that there were countless corpses near the source of the spring water. , the corpses of those animals have already rotted away, but because of the remoteness of the place at the moment, few people have entered, so no one has discovered it, but you should know, grandpa, the village chief, what kind of consequences will happen if you have many corpses piled up in one position ?You know as much as I do,'

After she found those things, she rushed back without saying a word. As for why the corpses appeared, An Xin didn't have the time to check. After all, apart from the most important thing, she still wanted to confirm the villagers in the village. , to make sure they are not infected.

And at this moment, because of curiosity, Li also approached the old village head and An Xin. When he heard An Xin's words, his face couldn't help but changed, "What should we do? What if the people in the village know about this matter?" , I’m afraid it will cause panic, not to mention that there are many people who drink this river, especially in our lower reaches, An Xin, what do you think should be done?”

But at this moment, what I was thinking of is a more serious matter, because the river water is not only drunk by the people in the village, but also outside the village, and even farther away. If it is true at this moment, as An Xin said, That matter is serious.

An Xin frowned when she heard what Li Zheng said to the old village chief, "We can't control that much now, let alone I'm not sure, let these villagers show me first, after all, I don't know what to do." It's just a guess, but just in case, if there is really a plague, before it breaks out, be prepared first, otherwise, when all this comes, I'm afraid there will be big troubles, so let's let it go now. Let me see, if there are any abnormalities in some villagers, they will be brought to the ancestral hall, first find a reason to keep those people, and let the old man and the child check at this moment. They stay behind, and the old village chief, go to my house and ask my servants to cook mung bean soup for me, the more the better, "

(End of this chapter)

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