pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1112 The Plague Is Really Coming

Chapter 1112 The Plague Is Really Coming (1)
"Although I'm not sure at the moment, I still have to take precautions, so you and Uncle Lizheng, old village chief, you will cooperate with me in a while," An Xin looked at the old village chief and said.

And when Lizheng and the old village chief heard An Xin's words, they all nodded and looked at An Xin, "Don't worry, I will make good arrangements for this matter, but girl An, you have to be careful." ,"

When the old village head heard An Xin's words, he opened his mouth, and when An Xin heard it, he nodded, and then asked all the villagers to line up one by one, because of the help of the old village head and Li Zheng.

At this moment, the villagers present all listened obediently and lined up, and when An Xin saw this, she nodded and quickly felt the pulse of everyone.

When An Qiao, who was at home, heard the old village chief's order, he was taken aback for a moment, and soon asked his servants to cook mung bean soup, and then sent it to An Xin, and when An Xin was feeling the pulse of everyone At that moment, he frowned involuntarily.

Because at this moment, she found that everyone's pulses were normal. Seeing this, An Xin didn't know whether to be worried or happy?After all, it is a very happy thing that these people are not sick at the moment.

It's just that no one in the village head has been infected at the moment, which makes An Xin a little worried. It's not that she wants the villagers to get sick, it's just that the calmness at this moment is too depressing, which makes people feel very uneasy.

And after An Xin gave everyone the pulse, he explained to An Qiao who had come over dryly, and then asked An Qiao to deal with the aftermath, while he and the old village chief justified several people into the room.

When the old village head saw An Xin's face, he couldn't help asking, "Did something happen to Miss An? Tell me, don't make me worry, look at your face, you are frightened." us,"

Seeing An Xin's ugly face, the old village head couldn't help but ask, and when An Xin heard what the old village head said, she looked at the old village head, and then sighed Said, "I don't know what to say about the village chief's grandpa? It's right to say joy, but the same is true for worry,"

When An Xin looked at the old village chief, she said, at this moment, she really didn't know whether to be happy or worried. After all, no one in the villagers had any physical abnormalities, but this worry was also potential.

And when the old village chief and Li Zheng heard the reassuring words, they immediately frowned, "Stinky girl, stop talking about me, old man, my ears hurt when I heard what you said, but I didn't understand the same thing, you Tell me, did something happen?"

The old village chief couldn't understand what An Xin said, and he couldn't understand it, and the truth was the same at this moment. Li Qinhua also just walked in.

As soon as I walked in, I heard An Xin say, "There is nothing unusual about the villagers, everyone is healthy, even if there is a small problem, it is not a big problem, just,,,"

An Xin looked at the old village head and Li Zheng, but when the two heard this, they replied first, "Isn't it a good thing that Miss An is fine? Why are you so sad? Isn't this just telling us, it's a very good thing, none of the villagers are sick, what else do you have to say, you girl is fine, and you scare us to death with a sad face, "

Upon hearing An Xin's words, the old village head and Li Zheng couldn't help complaining, but at this moment Li Qinhua didn't think that way anymore. Li Qinhua looked at An Xin, then at the old village head, Then he walked up to the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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