Chapter 1300

Qin Yihan gently scratched the tip of An Xin's nose, and sighed helplessly, "You girl is really domineering," looking helpless, but his tone revealed indulgence.

An Xin smiled when she heard the words, "I am domineering, because you are mine, and no one can take you away." An Xin stared at Qin Yihan with watery eyes, declaring her initiative without hesitation.

The man in front of her is her own, so naturally she has to guard and watch, she is not a fool, she is happy that someone likes her man, but it doesn't mean that she will let him seduce him.

Liking and seduction are not the same thing, and at this moment he wants to put an end to all of this, because when this man goes down, he is really charming, with an indescribable temptation, and the smile in the abstinence has an indescribable charm. Warmth.

Especially when the eyes are curved, it seems that the whole land is lit up at that moment, especially the gentle look, as if water is about to drip, it is so intoxicating.

"Well, I'm yours, and that heart is mine too," Qin Yihan nodded seriously when he heard An Xin's words, those words made An Xin's face turn red unexpectedly, it was obviously not a love story, but Qin Yihan said it A rush of lust came.

There was a blush on her shy cheeks, but An Xin quickly turned her head away, scolding herself for being worthless, but women are different from men, women tease themselves when they meet someone they don't like.

The first reaction was to slap him, but once he meets the right person, his skin will become thinner, An Xin doesn't know why, she realizes whether it is Qin Yihan's thick skin, or her own thin skin, which makes Qin Yihan Say a few words, sweet and shy in your heart, is this the feeling of being in love? !

It didn't take long for An Xin to realize that she had something to do when she came to find Qin Yihan. Thinking of this, An Xin took out her 36 Strategies and Sun Tzu's Art of War. When Qin Yihan saw those books, she was taken aback for a moment. "these are?"

And when An Xin heard it, she squinted her eyes and smiled, "You should take a good look at the things in my original world, and you must bring back the complete coldness."

Qin Yihan knew that An Xin was not from this world, so An Xin didn't hide anything from Qin Yihan at this moment. When Qin Yihan saw those books, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes. Once he saw them, he knew very well the usefulness of these things to him.

When I saw An Xin's slightly haggard face, I immediately felt a little heartache. I reached out and touched An Xin's cheek, and said with a serious face, "If I leave, you can't mess around, and don't give me any more. I messed with you, or when I come back, watch how I deal with you."

Thousands of words turned into one sentence, the smile on the corner of An Xin's mouth twitched slightly, and she retorted with some dissatisfaction, "I'm called a natural beauty, so why do I provoke peach blossoms?"

Then he said with some dissatisfaction, and at this moment Qin Yihan smiled lightly, "You are the only girl who dares to say that you are 'naturally beautiful and hard to give up' but you have to be obedient."

Hearing An Xin's shameless aura, Qin Yihan also smiled slightly, knowing that this girl didn't intentionally provoke her, but she couldn't help joking at this moment.

In fact, the joke is a little bit, and there are indeed some thoughts in my heart. Fortunately, at this moment, An Xin is disguised as a man. Appear.

It was hard for Junhua to let go. At this moment, his future is really in jeopardy, but Qin Yihan knows that he still has to leave, many things are hard to come by, sometimes what do he want?
(End of this chapter)

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