Chapter 1301

Naturally, he has to pay something. At this moment, if he wants to marry An Xin in an open and aboveboard manner in the future, and let An Xin have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life, then he needs to put in double effort at this moment.

Fortunately, Qin Yihan believes in An Xin's feelings, and knows An Xin's people. This girl seems to be affectionate and righteous, but sometimes she is ungrateful. She is that kind of person. Let people go deep inside.

It's just that if the person is wrong and the time is wrong, then it will be difficult to get close to her for the rest of her life. Qin Yihan knows very well that if she hadn't met An Xin at the beginning, it would be difficult for the two of them to meet in the future. Even if she is excellent, sometimes it is difficult for her to look back. This is the reason why Qin Yihan left most at ease.

After An Xin wrote to Qin Yihan, the two sat on the stool and watched for a while. After breakfast, An Xin looked at the sky outside, and then stood up from the stool to look at everything outside the door. .

"I'll see you off." Knowing that An Xin was going to the Seventh Prince's Mansion, Qin Yihan looked at An Xin and said, put the book of war in his arms, and left the An Xin Mansion together.

Now that Qin Yihan knew that An Xin was going to enter the palace, it might be another unpredictable storm, but even so, Qin Yihan could only do nothing. Faced with this, Qin Yihan made up his mind even more to join the army.

In fact, Qin Yihan thought about taking An Xin away and flying away to the ends of the world. If Xia Guo couldn't go to a neighboring country, but Qin Yihan shook his head soon. He was accused of treason.

When thinking of all this, Qin Yihan dismissed the thought, and at the same time told himself in his heart that he should believe in An Xin more, and believe that An Xin can also turn disaster into auspicious fortune this time.

Soon the carriage was moving forward, they didn't know the road ahead, and when the carriage arrived at the Seventh Prince's Mansion, An Xin got out of the carriage and looked at the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

Fortunately, before she entered the palace this time, she explained all the other things clearly, and at this moment, she asked Junhua to help take care of it for your beauty. It's not that she didn't leave it to Qin Yihan, but Qin Yihan didn't know how to do it at all?

After all, Junhua is a businessman at this moment, sometimes he knows better than himself what to do, and at this moment, Qin Yihan also needs this time to study his own art of war carefully, trying to get familiar with everything in the art of war as soon as possible.

And after An Xin got off the carriage, she waved to Qin Yihan and asked Qin Yihan to go home. After An Xin waved to Qin Yihan, she took out the jade pendant that Qi Ye gave her yesterday.

Then I took a guard to look at it. When the guard saw this, he nodded quickly and invited An Xin into the mansion. At the moment the gate closed, An Xin turned his head to look at Qin Yihan who was on the carriage not far away.

Then she opened her mouth and said silently, "Han, don't worry, I'll be back soon." Yes, she will go back soon, and Qin Yihan won't wait too long, and I promised Qin Yihan herself Nothing will happen.

When Qin Yihan saw this, he saw that the gate was completely closed, and then drove away in the carriage, but he thought in his heart that when the girl came back, he would definitely let the girl see his achievements.

When An Xin walked into the Seventh Prince's Mansion, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes when she looked at the majestic mansion. The red bricks and green tiles, the clear water, the pavilions and the small pavilions are like a picturesque and beautiful mansion without losing its grandeur. .

And when An Xin looked at the surrounding scene, a person walked up not far away. At this moment, the person was dressed in court clothes, with black hair like jade, jade face and delicate face, and his whole body exuded a sense of nobility.

(End of this chapter)

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