Chapter 1302

When the man walked up to An Xin, he smiled lightly and said, "How? Is this king's mansion in the eyes of Master An San?" When An Xin heard it, she turned her head and nodded lightly. nod.

There is a touch of love in her eyes. To be honest, this mansion is very beautiful. She once went to set up a place for the Forbidden City, but the passage of time is not only on people, even the magnificent palace in the past cannot withstand the ravages of time. , just leave a mold.

Where is the majesty at the moment, and when the seventh master saw An Xin nodding, he smiled lightly and said, "That's good, I still think it's hard to get into the eyes of Young Master An San, after all, I have been to Yuyuelou before." , that kind of majesty and elegance makes this king love it even more when he sees it, but it's a pity that this king can hardly spend it once he has a thousand gold."

This Seventh Lord is not joking. When Yuyue Tower was on the third floor, he was not a millionaire. Although he is a prince, he only has little monthly money. Become a pauper.

But at this moment, the seventh master has to say that Yuyue Tower is a high enjoyment if he has resentment in his heart, but it is a pity that he dare not be too blatant, after all, the prince's monthly money is not much, if he goes too much by himself, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will make a big fuss .

And at this moment, when An Xin heard the words of Qi Ye, the corners of her mouth twitched, and then she took out a [-]% discount card from the words, "My lord's [-]% discount card, every time I give you [-]% off, and I give friends [-]% off,"

When he heard An Xin's words, Qi Ye was a little dumbfounded, this drama is wrong, shouldn't this girl say, you go, I will give you free, why is it a [-]% discount card?

Faced with An Xin's stingy Seventh Master, I have seen it. When I went to Yuyue Tower, I met Junhua and gave me free several times. Unfortunately, when I met An Xin, I got a [-]% off card, and Junhua returned it to me. [-]% off for yourself.

At this moment, Qi Ye deeply feels sorry for Junhua, brother, I am sorry for you, you have given so much in love, he has always thought that Junhua is stingy, now with the existence of An Xin who is even more stingy, Qi Ye deeply feel sorry.

I originally planned to ask An Xin to give more benefits, but I almost deprived myself of the 1000% discount opportunity in the past. You must know that when you go to Yuyuelou to treat guests for dinner, you can save 300 taels for 100 taels, but now you are here at An Xin. That's [-] taels more.

Master Qi knew that when he went to Yuyue Tower in the future, he must not be forced to have a girl around, otherwise he would definitely be tricked badly. When he saw An Xin's reluctant expression, Master Qi cursed inwardly, "You are so stingy!" He has a black heart, earns so much and is still like an iron rooster.

If An Xin is behind Qi Ye's thoughts, he will definitely scold this Qi Ye for being shameless. I give you a [-]% discount to see that you are a prince, and you still want to eat or drink. It's not bad, you want to get it for free, it's too shameless.

Qiye put away the [-]% off card, and give the [-]% off to someone else one day. Letting others take this [-]% off card to eat is also a kind of discount, not to mention that the [-]% off card of Yuyuelou is just like you. Midea's [-]% off card is different.

When Yuyuelou's [-]% off card goes to beautify you, you can also enjoy the discount, but at this moment, this [-]% off card is not available for you. Faced with this, he reluctantly accepts it. After all, this is your beautiful rouge and gouache. In the capital city, that is an existence that is hard to find.

After An Xin and Qi Ye came to the living room, the tea was poured out in the living room at this moment, An Xin picked up the cup and sipped it, then put down the teacup in his hand, "I wonder when Qi Ye plans to bring me into the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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