pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1314 Chapter 1 Money

Chapter 1314 The Hundredth Coin (2)
At this moment, although Concubine Yan Guifei was poisoned, she only announced that she was ill. After all, if others found out at this moment, all noble concubines would be poisoned. Face.

So at this moment, I told everyone that I was suffering from a chronic illness, and when Anxin heard what Emperor Xia said, she respectfully said, "Return to the emperor, Concubine Yan Guifei is weak, and needs to be recuperated before women dare to use medicine."

An Xin knelt down on the ground, holding the medicinal food in that hand, and couldn't help but cursed in her heart, wow, when my arms and legs are so powerful, and I'm still kneeling on the ground with such a big cup of medicinal food, even if I'm used to it Wu, but he couldn't help his hands getting sore.

And when Emperor Xia heard the reassuring words, he frowned and said, "Is there no better way? Can't you get sick earlier?"

Emperor Xia was a little dissatisfied when he heard An Xin's words. After all, Concubine Yan Gui had been ill for a month or two at the moment, and she couldn't stand it if she dragged on like this.

But soon he said respectfully, with a tone that was neither humble nor overbearing, "Back to the emperor, if the medicine is given in advance, I am afraid that Concubine Yan Gui's body will be damaged. After all, the medicine is too strong, and Concubine Yan Gui is too weak and frightened to bear the medicine. If one is not good, It's okay to get through it, but I'm afraid my life will be in danger if I can't make it through, not to mention the intensity of the medicine, even if Concubine Yan Guifei survives it, but her body will get worse and worse, and she will have to be accompanied by medicine for many years."

An Xin clearly told Emperor Xia to choose by herself. Although her body is slowly recuperating at this moment, it makes people feel a little anxious, but it is only for the future. If she keeps rushing for success, she will not It's not that you can't take medicine, but at that time, Concubine Yan Gui will be detoxified, and I'm afraid she won't live for a few years.

And when Emperor Xia heard An Xin's words, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and when Concubine Yan Gui, who was on the bed at the moment, heard An Xin's words, her eyes were clearly perplexed.

At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui couldn't help but think that if she was someone else at this moment, she might just give herself a strong medicine. After all, she has become a little impatient these days, because it is good to treat the disease with peace of mind, but it is just a matter of recuperating every day. But no action.

In addition, she has already been ill for more than two months, and others say that there is no filial son in front of a long-term sick bed, not to mention that this person is the emperor at this moment, and it is impossible to guarantee that the emperor's favor will not be lost when she is sick.

So she beat An Xin secretly, but An Xin still didn't let go, which made Concubine Yan a little impatient, and when she heard An Xin's words today, Concubine Yan said that fortunately An Xin did not let go, otherwise she would be accompanied by medicine every day in the future , it's better to take good care of yourself now.

For An Xin at this moment, Concubine Yan Gui has inexplicable emotions, she really underestimated this woman, the method is not simple, but for An Xin to see a doctor for herself, she puts all her heart and effort into Concubine Yan Gui Concubine's mind is complicated, no one can be ruthless .

After all, the little girl tried so hard to save herself, she was more or less touched, but the touch quickly dissipated without a trace, and what was left was taken for granted. At this moment, she saved herself and gave her fame and fortune, which was considered a deal.

"When will Yan Guifei's body be able to take medicine?" After hearing An Xin's words, Emperor Xia did not let An Xin get rid of the poison, but asked when he could recover his body, "After half a month, it will be Queen's birthday,"

The meaning is to get well before the Queen's birthday, and when An Xin heard what Emperor Xia said, she raised her head to look at Concubine Yan Gui and said, "Concubine Yan Gui's body is mostly healed, as long as you give it to the daughter-in-law In five days, the minnv can cure the illness by hand, but within these five days, the empress must remember not to drink alcohol or objects contaminated with alcohol, and in these days, the minnv will arrange meals for the empress, and wait for five days to cure the illness , and when going to get sick, you have to prepare a lot of blood-replenishing things for five days in a row,"

(End of this chapter)

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