pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1315 Chapter 1 Money

Chapter 1315 The Hundredth Coin (3)
But at this moment, An Xin opened his mouth and said, Xia Huang who was on the side nodded when he heard it, then turned to look at Concubine Yan Gui and said, "My concubine, these days, you can recover from your illness with peace of mind, remember to listen to the doctor's advice." If so, wait for me to come to see my concubine in a few days."

As he said that, he patted Concubine Yan Gui's hand, and told Concubine Yan Gui to stop, covered Concubine Yan Gui with the quilt, and then got up to leave. When she was leaving, she looked at An Xin, and said in the next second , "I heard that the plague in Xun County said what the medical girl did. I don't know what reward the medical girl wants?"

Seemingly asking unintentionally, it's just that who knows what Emperor Xia is thinking, and at this moment when Emperor Xia's words come out, even Concubine Yan Gui is a little surprised, but at this moment she has not shown it, she really mentioned this matter.

When she heard Emperor Xia's words, An Xin hurriedly said, "Minister thanked the emperor, but it was her duty to treat Xun County. The doctor's parents thought that if the person who was in Xunxian that day was not a Minnv, Other doctors in Xun County will do their best to treat the people of Xun County, so women dare not ask for rewards. After all, as doctors, if they can't cure others, there is no way to be a doctor. What's more, the emperor's reward was given early in the morning , at this moment the women of the people absolutely dare not ask for rewards, "

Hearing that Emperor Xia said the reward clearly, but An Xin didn't dare to entrust it too much. Instead, he opened his mouth and said directly. There are many epidemics in the county, and I saved my beloved concubine, not to mention that at this time and that time, the reward of that day is that day, and this moment is this moment, so I will reward you with a thousand taels of gold and a hundred acres of fertile land."

As he said that, Emperor Xia told the eunuch beside him, and when An Xin heard it, he quickly kowtowed, "Don't want it in vain, now that people insist on giving it, An Xin will naturally not be hypocritical and refuse to accept it."

And when Emperor Xia left, Concubine Yan waved her hand to An Xin, her appearance was quite kind, "Get up, you girl has received a great gift from heaven, tell me, what can I ask you to reward you? "

After hearing Concubine Yan's words, An Xin's eyes darkened. At this moment, Concubine Yan is probably not rewarding her, but secretly wants to beat herself, "Your Majesty is joking, how dare a woman ask for her reward, the only thing a woman wants at this moment That is, the health and well-being of the imperial concubine and empress is the greatest reward for a commoner girl."

An Xin quickly expressed her loyalty and said that this ghostly place cannot stay. At this moment, An Xin has the idea of ​​directly giving Yan Guifei no matter whether she lives or dies. Being discovered is just a violation of his own medical ethics, not to mention that if the ghost doctor finds out, he may be angry.

This is not to say how good the ghost doctor is, but as a doctor, in the ghost doctor's mind, he either does not save or saves to the end. Now there is a way to do it to the end, but he just acts sloppily. If her signboard is broken, the ghost doctor will kill her in the next second and scold him for ruining her reputation.

But at this moment, when Concubine Yan Guifei heard An Xin's words, she said some more politely. An Xin liked to hear it, so she quickly shook her head and refused, and said some flattering words.

He brought up the medicinal food in his hand, "The imperial concubine's medicinal food should be cold," An Xin said without wanting to tell Concubine Yan about the reward.

It's just that regarding Concubine Yan Gui's politeness today, An Xin felt as if she was sitting on a nail, and there was a creep in her heart. At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui's pleasant appearance really made An Xin overwhelmed.

It's not that she has a tendency to be abused, it's just that Concubine Yan Gui suddenly changed her attitude at this moment, which made An Xin feel terrified. The woman took advantage of it, but An Xin was really aggrieved at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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