pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1316 Chapter 1 Money

Chapter 1316 The Hundredth Coin (4)
When Concubine Yan Gui saw this, she nodded her head and ate some medicinal food, but when An Xin took the medicinal food and went out, she heard Concubine Yan Gui say, "An Xin, what do you think of the emperor's son?"

Upon hearing this, An Xin quickly knelt on the ground and said, "I want to report to the imperial concubine, the prince is a dragon and a phoenix among men, and women dare not judge,"

Asking others how their son is for no reason?What does this make her say?Saying that her son is very good, like a flower, isn't it misleading, if it is said that her son is not good, it is also a panic, at this moment, An Xin just picks up unimportant things.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan Gui smiled faintly, then waved her hand and said, "Well, go down, I will take care of my body, I will arrange it."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and when An Xin saw this, he nodded quickly and went down. When Mei Lan saw this, she walked up to Concubine Yan Gui, "What do you mean, Ma'am? She is just A business girl, to put it bluntly, is a slave, she shouldn't be worthy of your empress, "

At this moment, when Concubine Yan Guifei heard it, she waved her hand and shook her head, "When the emperor brought this girl up today, I didn't care at first, but now it seems that this girl's chances in the future may be extraordinary, after all This is the first time, Your Majesty, to give eyes to a grassroots who is nothing, "

At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui opened her mouth to speak, and when she spoke, she complained leisurely, looked at the figure who was leaving not far away, and said, "The matter of inquiring the county annoyed the emperor, and many officials were dismissed. Dismissal and investigation. Although the plague was only a small investigation in the beginning, but you must not forget that there were countless casualties in the plague more than ten years ago. When the emperor knew about the epidemic at the beginning, he was in a hurry every day. , the imperial doctor also sent a lot of inquiries to the county, but none of them made any progress," Concubine Yan Guifei's words were long and drawn out, and people could hear her ulterior motives, and when she talked about the plague at this moment, she had Sighing, "The plague and drought that year was a knot in the emperor's heart. I don't know how many people died in the whole country. After the plague broke out this time, the emperor was worried every day. He was afraid that the plague would spread to the whole country. At that time, the entire Xia Kingdom Then I have to go back to the time when people were in panic, but at this moment,,,"

Speaking of Concubine Yan Gui, the orchid finger pointed to An Xin who left outside the door, and there was an indescribable taste in that voice, "But at this moment, this epidemic was solved by a little girl, which slapped many imperial doctors in the face." , the previous reward from the emperor, although the people in the court were interested, they never cared about it, but now this person came to the capital to see a doctor for the palace, what do you think? This is a great achievement, not to mention the court, people have already regarded her as a living Bodhisattva, but at this moment, the emperor is just following the hearts of the people, just look at it, but after the illness is cured, her gift is indispensable, "

No matter what Concubine Yan Gui has been with Emperor Xia for decades, she understands what Emperor Xia is thinking at this moment. In the beginning, when An Xin had never come to this capital, although Emperor Xia had some rewards, they were not too great.

It's just that it's different now, this woman came to the capital, and now she's seeing a doctor for herself, her reputation has naturally increased, and because of the plague that An Xin cured, everyone respects An Xin and thinks of her at the moment, Almost became a bodhisattva offering.

At this moment, the emperor knew that An Xin had a reputation among the people, so he naturally wanted to support him. After all, Emperor Xia was not stupid, and knew that holding An Xin would be of great benefit to his reputation, so he was naturally very happy.

In addition to the fact that someone else saved his woman at this moment, Emperor Xia wants to express even more. If An Xin is in Xun County at this moment, he will reward him casually. It's nothing more than a convenient reward.

(End of this chapter)

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