pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1317 Chapter 1 Money

Chapter 1317 The Hundredth Coin (5)
After all, if he is too casual at this moment, it is inevitable that people will criticize him. In fact, don't say that Emperor Xia is the emperor. It is because he is the emperor at this moment that he has to do everything beautifully, lest others will use those things in the future. .

"Although the emperor rewarded this girl at the beginning, it was just casually, but this palace knew that the emperor had already remembered this girl in his heart, but she was far away, so she just gave up and didn't award more rewards, but at this moment People are in the capital, I'm afraid there will be another storm," Concubine Yan Gui's voice was light, and the voice like a yellow oriole made people's heart flutter.

It's just that at this moment, there is even more coldness, and when Mei Lan heard what Yan Guifei said, she suddenly realized, "Then this girl has some abilities, but according to this servant, this woman is also very thoughtful. Otherwise, how could she have come to the capital without saying a word after treating the plague? In Xun County, her reputation is getting louder and louder, but in the capital at this moment, the reputation of Young Master An San is also very famous, "

You have to know if you don’t know Young Master An San at this moment, eight out of ten ladies in the capital are using the items in the beautiful shop for you, and at this moment Young Master An San is invited into the palace to see a doctor, although no one has heard of it.

Just where is the capital?It has already been spread that An Xin entered the palace, and even what An Xin did in Xun County has already been known by everyone, which is why Emperor Xia mentioned An Xin in front of Concubine Yan Gui.

It was someone with a heart who revealed it to An Xin, and brought the matter of Xun County to the capital. At this moment, when everyone in the capital heard that An Xin had cured the plague, it was spread all over the place. up.

Want to know what the plague is?In ancient times, the plague was everyone's nightmare, but now that someone has solved the plague, everyone is naturally happy, and everyone worships An Xin, adding to this rumor.

From the beginning of the rumors to the final one, everyone boasted that An Xin was like a god. If An Xin knew about it, she would definitely say it. Sure enough, after the rumor reached the mouth of the tenth person, it would change its appearance.

By the time the rumor reaches a hundred people, it is no longer the same person, but a god. Of course, An Xin doesn't know what's going on outside at this moment, and she doesn't know who's fed up and spread those things everywhere.

"Is it big hearted? I don't care, but it seems that I have underestimated this girl at the moment," Concubine Yan Gui pointed at the orchid. She underestimated An Xin. When An Xin entered the palace at the beginning, although she Knowing that peace of mind is the object of healing the plague.

It's just that at that time, she didn't pay much attention to it, but casually regarded her as an ordinary medical girl. It's just that after the news of An Xin spread in the streets and alleys in the capital, this Concubine Yan Gui had to pay attention.

A person who has meritorious deeds but is unknown doesn't know that others care at all. It's just that in ancient times, if a person's reputation is good, he can fly across the sky in an instant and become the attention of everyone.

No matter who spread the news about An Xin, it's just that everyone knows at this moment that if An Xin cured Concubine Yan Gui's illness, her status would naturally be in full swing. If An Xin was not in the palace at this moment, many people would have already visited fawned over.

"At this moment, I should think about it. Mei Lan, pass on the word. In the future, Miss An will be called Mrs. An. Don't neglect her. Let the emperor come to the palace. I have something to do. Said, "In the past, Concubine Yan Guifei would not have attached too much importance to An Xin, but at this moment, An Xin is different from the past, but she has no choice but to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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