Chapter 1334

"I don't know why Bi beauty came here?" An Xin knew that this Biyu came to the door, it was impossible to slap her, and when this Biyu saw An Xin kneeling on the ground, there was something in her eyes. A wave of hatred, but also a wave of excitement.

"Yesterday the emperor rewarded me with a golden hairpin, but today I looked for it, but I didn't see it, and I heard that the maid seemed to be in this palace, so I came to take a look," Biyu said at this moment.

When he spoke, his eyes were leisurely and unchanging, and when he looked at An Xin, there was a hint of viciousness, "You must know that it is a gift from the emperor. If anyone steals it, it is a serious crime. Now hand it over obediently. I can let bygones be bygones,"

At this moment, Biyu's words are very good, she clearly means that An Xin stole something, and secretly reminds An Xin that what she stole is something bestowed by the emperor, it can be regarded as a crime of beheading, especially in this palace.

When the palace maid Xiaotao heard it, she said, "Beauty, don't talk to this scumbag, this servant will be taken away, but this servant wants to see what kind of hookup this slut has done."

As he spoke, he led people to An Xin's room, and when An Xin saw this, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and when he looked at Jasper not far away, the coldness flashed across his eyes, Let Biyu subconsciously take a step back.

If people don't offend me, I don't offend everyone. If anyone offends me, I will pay back a hundred times. She has never been the one who is bullied. Now that someone has stepped on the door, who is she?Even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu are wild today, she will let the other party taste what it means to regret coming out of the mother's womb.

At this moment, the only reason for enduring this Biyu is that she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, but it doesn't mean that she can accept this grievance at ease.

But at this moment, when Biyu saw An Xin, she felt a little guilty, because at that moment she realized that An Xin's eyes looked at her, as if she was a dead thing, which made her stand in chills.

And at this moment, a cry came from not far away, "Concubine Yan Gui is here." When everyone heard that Concubine Yan Gui was coming, they saluted Concubine Yan one by one, and when Biyu knelt down, There was obviously a flash of hatred in those eyes.

"This isn't Sister Bi, how come you have time to see Mrs. An, I don't know why Sister Bi is here this time?" Compared to this Biyu, Concubine Yan Gui in front of her is like a fairy.

Whether it's the lazy and luxurious temperament, or the nobility with all gestures, and the magnificent appearance, all of them dug this jasper into the soil at that moment, even if the concubine Yan Gui in front of her was as big as this jasper It's more than twice as much, but the beauty of her temperament, the dustiness of her appearance and the charm of her bones are not comparable to Jasper.

If Concubine Yan Gui is a beautiful woman who overwhelms the country and the city, then the Biyu in front of her is at most Xiaojia Biyu, and her out-of-this-world temperament looks vulgar in front of Concubine Yan Gui. Even Biyu has to feel inferior due to the gap at this moment.

In fact, An Xin really wanted to say that if she was a man, she would need other women to make use of such a beauty. After all, rouge and gouache could not have the beauty of Concubine Yan Gui, and now that Concubine Yan Gui appeared, An Xin said that she was a little green leaf, and sometimes Green leaves don't count.

A light yellow cloud-smoke shirt and skirt, followed by plain snow and silk cloud-shaped thousand-palace dress, the fujian red on the dress shows the silk thread of the dish flower, and the body of the lotus flower walks slightly, leaving behind, the flow pattern on the hem of the dress seems to be alive, like a colorful flower. Butterflies around the body is very beautiful.

The hair was pulled up with a string of fine pearls, with a faint halo, scattered on the black silk-like hair, the ruddy and charming face was more lazy and charming, and the bandage wrapped around the wrist Wearing a golden bowl bracelet on her body, and the jewelry hanging on her chest, the beauty blended with the ultimate style, but it made her look alluring and evil, and she was as charming as an elf.

(End of this chapter)

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