Chapter 1335

In the past, Concubine Yan Gui was always in the state of a sick beauty. Now that she recovered from her illness, her complexion was rosy, and her whole body was like a flower in bud. She has already passed the age of Double Ten, but at this moment she looks pretty, but with With a mature charm, the stunner is extremely enchanting and charming.

"Back to Concubine Gui,..." Soon Biyu told Concubine Yan everything, when Concubine Yan heard this, she looked at An Xin with a smile, and there was a hint of calculation in her eyes.

But when she saw An Xin's calm appearance, Concubine Yan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly recovered, and when she looked at Biyu who saluted her and called her sister, there was an indescribable mockery in her eyes.

At that moment, Biyu felt that she was as miserable as a mouse in front of Concubine Yan Gui, "Then sister Bi, did you send anything?"

At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui opened her mouth and said, when she put her hand on the eunuch, she walked into the room with lotus steps, and at this moment, there was an indescribable luxury in every gesture, and the smile with red lips was more friendly, but Everyone present at the moment knows how dark the gloom is under this friendly smile.

At this time, Xiaotao also appeared in the room, so she walked up to An Xin, looked at An Xin and said, "Going back to the imperial concubine, I didn't receive anything in the room, but this servant suspects that the object must be here. An honored person, "

As he said that, he looked at An Xin. The meaning of the words was to tell everyone that the golden hairpin was on An Xin's body at the moment, which also proved that An Xin was the one who stole, and An Xin was not allowed to have any rejection.

After all, as long as An Xin refuses to be searched for the next second, An Xin has proved that she is a guilty conscience. If she is checked, it may be more than just a body search. Everyone present at the moment understands, let alone Concubine Yan Gui, they have all played this trick before.

But at this moment, when An Xin saw this, her eyes darkened, and when Yan Guifei saw this, she looked at An Xin and said, "I wonder if Mrs. An would let Sister Bi do a search, to show my innocence,"

Although the words were addressed to An Xin, but the tone was a mockery of Bi Yu, hmph, stupid bitch, who is so anxious to find trouble for others, but doesn't investigate clearly, this Bi Yu is doomed to suffer at this moment.

Concubine Yan Gui was not surprised by Biyu's trouble with An Xin. After all, when she was seeing a doctor, Biyu looked at An Xin with deep disgust and deep hatred, but she didn't expect that this woman would choose to use her Such a stupid way.

She thinks that a small gold hairpin can make An Xin suffer, but at this moment the woman doesn't know that An Xin today is different from the past, even if this woman makes trouble with the emperor at this moment, she won't get any benefit at all.

She understands that man too well. Although she has been fond of Biyu for many days, it is only because it is new for a while, but at this moment, this woman does not know it. She is still here to trouble An Xin, she is definitely a fool.

No wonder the man didn't choose her, he was jealous and vulgar but he wanted to look superior, he was clearly a mortal who wanted to be a fairy, he really wanted to be a bitch and wanted to set up a memorial archway, and he was talking about this woman.

And at this moment, the reason why Biyu became Emperor Xia's woman is because of Concubine Yan Guifei's handwriting. After all, Biyu wants to get along with Master Qi all day long. At this moment, as the mother, Concubine Yan Guifei, how can she be the same? Four women to be their daughter-in-law.

Although the daughter-in-law here is just a concubine, Concubine Yan Gui still hates it, and she would rather give it to her husband than to her son. In Concubine Yan's mind, she dare not let this jade harm the only son.

(End of this chapter)

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