Chapter 1342

At this moment, that face became more and more red and swollen at some point. Faced with this, An Xin knew very clearly that the jasper had been smeared with poison on her hand just now, and the moment it hit her face, the poison was taken away. on his own face.

At first, An Xin didn't notice it, but later when she was talking, her face became more and more itchy, An Xin knew that she had been hurt by others, and after knowing that she was hurt by others, no matter how itchy her face was, An Xin would But hit half a point.

Soon An Xin asked his servants to prepare cold water for himself. After the servants brought the cold water, An Xin secretly took out a few herbs in the space, and then threw them into the water. After adding Bailingquan to the water, it started Wash your own cheeks.

Fortunately, An Xin didn't use it just now to scratch her face, otherwise even if An Xin washed it clean now, no matter how well the medicinal materials were placed, her face might be ruined. Faced with this, An Xin and her hate, she has always loved beauty.

Even if a woman disguises herself as a man, she still has to be a gentleman, and at this moment, Biyu wants to ruin her own face, how can this make An Xin not secretly hate, and not avenge her, she is not a gentleman, she will not let it go.

An Xin applied cold water to her cheeks, with a fierce look in her eyes, don't think that a tiger can become a sick cat for you to bully if it doesn't show off its power.

And at this moment, An Xin also left the palace smoothly the next day, and at this moment, before An Xin left the palace, news came from the palace, this beautiful woman doesn't know why?His face suddenly became ugly, and red rashes appeared all over his body.

Neither the imperial physician nor she herself could find out why, and could only keep yelling and scolding, saying that it was An Xin's fault, but at that time, An Xin was out of the palace, and Biyu had no conclusive evidence to prove that An Xin had poisoned her, so When this matter went to Emperor Xia.

Xia Huangguan was disgusted when he saw Biyu's face, and let the eunuch drag him down, so he would not make decisions for Biyu, and the incident of Biyu in the harem at this moment did not cause any disturbance in the entire harem.

Isn't it just a little beauty, even if something happens, it's not a big deal, not to mention that the beauty is disfigured at the moment, which is a good thing for them, although after the Jasper is destroyed, the emperor may not go to them, It's just that they feel comfortable in their hearts.

But at this moment, when Qi Ye saw that An Xin's face was a little red, he frowned involuntarily, "An Xin, what's wrong with your face?" Red too much.

When An Xin heard what Qi Ye said, she touched her cheek with a smile and said, "It's nothing but a small problem, it will be fine in a few days,"

This Biyu drugged her hard enough, even at this moment An Xin felt itchy, but when she thought of this, An Xin smiled coldly in her heart, she wanted to let Biyu see who was more powerful after poisoning her. .

The ghost doctor called himself not for nothing. Compared with those so-called medical skills, An Xin liked the poison technique more, so when he saw the poison technique, An Xin liked to hear it and studied it for a long time, and at this moment, it was just right for this jadeite to Do real medicine.

"By the way, after going back this time, I wonder what Miss An's plan is? Now that you are famous, I'm afraid there are many people who will curry favor with Miss An," said Qi Ye at this moment.

Regarding this point, An Xin stared at Qi Ye in a daze, and said with a puzzled expression, "What are you doing to curry favor with me? I am at most a little business girl, curry favor with me and I don't know how to spend money,"

(End of this chapter)

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