Chapter 1343

An Xin frowned at Qi Ye's words. After all, she had been in the palace for more than a month. She probably didn't know anything about the outside world, so she didn't know at this moment. Her reputation had already been spread by people outside. .

Regarding this point, Master Qi also reacted after hearing An Xin's words, "Oh, I almost forgot, you have been in the palace for many days, so you don't know that the folks have already taken your The matter has spread all over the world, you can be regarded as a household name, even this king will be stained with your light, "

At this moment, Qi Ye said, no matter who spread the news, it doesn't matter to them at this moment, and the only important thing at this moment is that the woman in front of her at this moment has already become a fragrant bun, and I'm afraid she will be in the future. There are many people coming to win them over.

And when An Xin heard the Qi Ye's words, she couldn't express her happiness but also her displeasure on her face. An Xin was very happy when she was well known, but An Xin was not happy because of her reputation. Many things have both good and bad.

At this moment, An Xin has no way of knowing whether this time is good or bad for her, but the only thing she can be sure of is that her business will become more and more prosperous, An Xin feels more or less relieved about this.

Along the way, Qi Ye told An Xin a lot about what happened outside the palace these days. After hearing this, An Xin nodded and said that she would be careful. It is inevitable that there will be more people, so it is reasonable for Qi Ye to be more careful at this moment.

And after the carriage left the palace, when returning to An Xin's home, just as An Xin got out of the carriage, she heard the butler rushing over, "Miss, I have been waiting for a long time in the edict."

Although the butler didn't know why the young master suddenly became a young lady, what shocked him the most at the moment was not this, but the imperial decree. Looking at the father-in-law's festive appearance, the butler is not stupid and knows that he is not here to find fault. If it's not finding fault, it means it's a big happy event.

But at this moment, when An Xin heard this, she turned her head and looked at Qi Ye, looked at Qi Ye, and soon heard Qi Ye say, "Maybe it's a good thing,"

After An Xin heard it, she was stunned and said, "I'm not afraid, I just think you really don't know how to write Xingting?" After hearing the words, Qi Ye touched his nose, was he rejected at that moment?

He must have been rejected. Seeing An Xin's appearance, Qi Ye also followed An Xin and got off the carriageway, "Let's go, my king will go with you so that I can support you,"

It's just that at this moment, a glint of light flashed in those eyes, and he knew what the father was going to do from the very beginning?It's just that at this moment, he didn't expect it to be so fast. When he thought of this, Qi Ye looked at An Xin, and then sighed, the world is unpredictable.

Soon An Xin walked into the room with the Qi Ye. When he walked into An's house, he saw this eunuch holding an imperial decree. When the Qi Ye saw this, he said kindly, "Hello, Eunuch Li."

When Eunuch Li saw this peace of mind, he also saluted respectfully, "The Seventh Prince is auspicious. I didn't expect the Zajia to meet the Seventh Prince here. It really surprised the Zajia."

At this moment, the Seventh Prince read out the imperial decree after saying some courteous words to the eunuch, and at this moment, the imperial decree reads, how to be safe, how virtuous, how to heal the people, how and what.

After treating Concubine Yan Gui's stubborn illness, the emperor loved her even more at this moment. After boasting about An Xin, he gave An Xin a title, and she was also the princess, Xianghua princess, the auspicious Xiang Luxurious Hua, what a good intention.

(End of this chapter)

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