Chapter 1344

Faced with this point, An Xin was a little dazed, the position of princess came too suddenly, and she couldn't take it, and at this moment, Eunuch Li was also sent out under the hand of Qi Ye, and she looked back To An Xin in a daze.

"Don't worry, this is a good thing. For you, it's a gift," Qi Ye said in response to An Xin's daze, but he knew it clearly in his heart, and Emperor Xia probably took An Xin as a consolation Popular tool.

Who made An Xin's reputation among the people better? It would be a ghost if the Emperor Xia didn't make the best use of everything at this moment, not to mention for the Emperor Xia, the title of a princess was hard to buy for others at first, but for He is nothing more than a sentence, and nothing is lost for a vacant seat and a false name.

And at this moment, after An Xin heard the words of the Seventh Master, she looked at the Seventh Master with a smile, "Yes, I see." Although An Xin was a little confused by this title, she didn't push it out.

It's just that An Xin couldn't react to the position of the princess for a while. At this moment, she has changed from a pariah with nothing to a high-ranking princess. This kind of thing is really hard for An Xin to accept.

With titles and rewards, even the mansion of the princess mansion has been selected, and as long as he wants to move in immediately, An Xin feels that there is a naked conspiracy about this point, and it has already been calculated.

After all, if it wasn't for the conspiracy that was calculated from the beginning, how could it be possible for the gift to come after leaving the palace? Such a thing made An Xin vaguely uneasy. After talking for a while, I said goodbye to An Xin.

An Xin sat in the hall and sighed. She couldn't calm down for a while, but when she saw a figure entering her eyes, An Xin smiled.

"Xin'er..." The warm embrace was something I missed for a long time, the familiar atmosphere at this moment made An Xin relax, leaning against Qin Yihan's embrace.

"I knew you were coming back today, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon," Qin Yihan hugged An Xin, with a rubbed smile on his face, stretched out his hand to hold An Xin in his arms, and An Xin was also very natural at this moment sat on Qin Yihan's feet.

"What's wrong with your face? Who poisoned you?" Qin Yihan's face became heavy when he saw An Xin's face. Although Qin Yihan's medicine and poison are not very good, it doesn't mean that Qin Yihan really has no knowledge .

After all, Qin Yihan is a ghost doctor's student at this moment. Even if he doesn't like to study medical poison, but after he sees it a lot, he will naturally remember it in his heart. What's more, he is not stupid, and he is not proficient in poison, but he has a certainty Cognitive, when he sees An Xin's face at this moment, he notices something is wrong in the next second.

"Don't worry, the poisoner is worse than me at this moment," An Xin said while leaning in Qin Yihan's arms after seeing Qin Yihan's gloomy face, with a grin on his cheek.

Seeing An Xin's heartless smile, Qin Yihan nodded An Xin's forehead, but felt a little worried, "Xin'er, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'm going with the army,"

When she heard Qin Yihan's words, the smile on An Xin's face froze for a moment. When she looked at Qin Yihan, she showed some reluctance, but quickly nodded with a chuckle and said, "Well, that Han will also go all the way. Tailwind,"

No matter how much it is said, it is useless, the silence at this moment is the best, but when thinking of the separation just after meeting, An Xin feels somewhat uncomfortable, and Qin Yihan is no better than An Xin at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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