Chapter 1345

It's just that Qin Yihan would still choose to leave. Seeing that An Xin was named princess today, Qin Yihan also knew about it. After knowing this, Qin Yihan became more determined in his mind.

Leaving is inevitable, but reluctance is natural, hugging An Xin's waist, stroking An Xin's smooth hair, kissing An Xin on the forehead and saying, "I will write to you in the future of,"

But at this moment, after An Xin heard it, she said kindly, "At least four letters per month, seven if not," she said, leaning gently in Qin Yihan's arms.

After going there, I really don't know when we will be able to meet each other. Thinking about it, An Xin inevitably felt a little disappointed, but An Xin quickly put away that disappointment, after all, she didn't want Qin Yihan to worry at this moment.

"Han, tell me, why did the Emperor Xia choose me to be the princess?" An Xin couldn't figure out the title of princess from the beginning to the end. She was good in business, but she was far behind in politics.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he sank, and then he said, "When the plague broke out in Xun County, there were many court officials. It was reported, but later I don't know where the people around Xun County got the news. After hearing that the court let them fend for themselves, people's grievances are aroused at this moment. Many people think that the incident ten years ago The plague, the reason why many of you died is because the court didn't pay attention to it, so there were so many casualties."

At this moment, Qin Yihan brought another piece of news to An Xin, "Especially in the plague-stricken area of ​​Xun County, because after being abandoned by Emperor Xia, everyone has already resented, although they dare not say anything on the surface? It's just that there have been a lot of negative news in the court secretly. Although the plague is the most serious in Xun County, there are also many infected people in the surrounding towns. Unrighteous,"

After all, the rumors at this moment are only for the royal family, and they have a certain degree of lethality. Although it was only a small Xun County at the beginning, it was only passed on one by one later. The people all know about it.

After facing Emperor Xia’s reluctance to Xun County, other people in Xia Kingdom are now spreading rumors that one day Emperor Xia will do nothing to save them. All this is passed on, Emperor Xia His reputation became worse and worse, and it was because of this incident that the War in the East came into being in the name of the Qing emperor eliminating the faint emperor.

Although Emperor Xia had already killed those officials who committed the crime, he still couldn't quell everyone's fear at this moment. In addition, some people deliberately blatantly said that Emperor Xia's killing of those officials was just a guilty conscience, and those who died were nothing more than his scapegoats.

Because of all kinds of rumors, the people's trust in the court is getting worse day by day. After all, it has been said since ancient times that water can carry a boat or capsize it. Now, because of the loss of people's hearts, the war in the east is becoming more and more difficult. The fight started so quickly, it was only because of the rumors and rumors that the fight was also fast, so Qin Yihan was able to leave quickly at this moment.

"But at this moment, Xin'er, you are different, because you are the hero who saved the plague. In addition, you have already made everyone in Xia Kingdom admire you, and your recognition has already surpassed Xia's. Emperor, in order to appease the hearts of the people, it is already imperative for Emperor Xia to appoint you and me as princesses. After all, if the hearts of the people are not appeased at this moment, the war in the east may be detrimental to the country of Xia." At this moment, Qin Yihan came slowly , and told An Xin all the reasons.

"And at this moment, because you are appointed as the princess, as long as the court thinks, you can say a reason casually, and first fool the people who are dissatisfied in their hearts. When the time comes, the people's hearts will calm down, and then the war in the east will continue." After all, if the people's hearts are not peaceful at this moment, it is inevitable that there will be troubles in other places." At this moment, Qin Yihan said everything to An Xin,
To put it bluntly, An Xin, the princess, has been seen by the common people in the world, and told the common people in the world that they have not abandoned them, and now he is saying a reason, that An Xin is a person sent by the court, and the hearts of the people will naturally return to him. Chaotang, so at this moment, the reassuring princess is purely for appeasing the hearts of the people.

When An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, the corners of her mouth twitched. She thought it was a pie in the sky, but she didn't expect that all the benefits would be given to Emperor Xia. At this moment, An Xin had to say, could her identity be Xiahuang was exposed secretly? !

After all, at this moment, it seems that An Xin has benefited from all these things, but in fact, the person who benefits the most is not the Emperor Xia, and at this moment, if his identity is really exposed by the Emperor Xia, An Xin will have to say that the Emperor Xia is scheming. .

I'm afraid that if I went to the palace to see a doctor for Concubine Yan Gui, it had already been calculated into it, and at this moment, this step-by-step calculation made An Xin couldn't help but sigh, how could she let an emperor treat her like this? Boost.

(End of this chapter)

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