Chapter 1346

"Xin'er, I will leave some people behind for you. Don't worry, these people are only loyal to me," Qin Yihan hugged An Xin and said, because he was worried about An Xin, so at this moment, Qin Yihan naturally wanted to stay. A few people came to protect An Xin.

And the reason why Qin Yihan said this at this moment is because although the Ghost Doctor Sect listens to him, they are not in their own power after all. In front of the old Sect Master and himself, they will eventually choose the old Sect Master.

It wasn't that Qin Yihan separated the ghost doctor, it was just that the forced marriage made Qin Yihan wary. In fact, Qin Yihan's heart was not limited to this point, there was one thing that hadn't been investigated at the beginning.

It's just that after he took over the ghost doctor's school, Qin Yihan discovered that his life experience was by no means that simple. Although he saved the ghost doctor back then, it was only for Qin Yihan, and he was not the only one who saved the ghost doctor.

But what Qin Yihan was most concerned about was that his own face actually appeared in a portrait in the treasure house of the Ghost Doctor Sect. When he saw all that, Qin Yihan had to wonder if he was a child of the Qin family?

Even though he doubted whether he was a child of the Qin family, he felt sorry for his ancestors, but for this point, after seeing the portrait, Qin Yihan left a deep seed, which slowly germinated in his heart.

However, Qin Yihan didn't tell anyone about this matter, not even the ghost doctor, and at this moment, Qin Yihan was secretly investigating his own life experience, but when Qin Yihan was investigating, he felt a little hesitant in his heart.

If his life experience was really as he thought, what would he do now after learning the truth?Whether to question the ghost doctor who is his master, or continue to pretend not to know, as if nothing had happened.

When he was a child, he always hated the family he grew up in. He would be subjected to various injustices at a young age. Once this point was set on fire and burned to death. When thinking of all this, Qin Yihan wanted to know, Why?If he is really not a child of the Qin family, and it is wrong for him to hate the Qin family, then who should he hate at this moment?Hate the person who abandoned himself?

It's just that he doesn't know whether the person who abandoned him at this moment is the ghost doctor Qin Yihan, all kinds of doubts are in Qin Yihan's mind, because of these doubts about the relationship between Qin Yihan and the ghost doctor, after all, he has scruples, maybe it's resentment.

It is impossible for Qin Yihan to completely forget everything about that year. When he was a child, he once longed for warmth. The ghost doctor is the first person, but if all the warmth has another reason, then everything will not be pure. .

As for the matter of Biyu, Qin Yihan felt a little displeased, how could the ghost doctor not know about him and An Xin?It's just that she insisted on letting herself marry Biyu, which made Qin Yihan feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe, in her mind, her apprentice was no match for that piece of letter, and it wasn't because Qin Yihan treated the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, but at this moment, Qin Yihan was worried about An Xin, fearing that the ghost doctor would come and trouble An Xin.

Although Qin Yihan knew very well that no matter how many people he kept, he would not be able to withstand the poison of the ghost doctor, but even so, Qin Yihan still wanted to leave An Xin for protection. It was too late for him to join the army at this moment. As for his life experience, he was not in a hurry. It had been more than ten years and it didn't matter if he waited for a year or two.

When An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she looked at Qin Yihan and opened her mouth to say something?It's just that he didn't say anything after all, "Well, but you have to protect yourself, Han,"

(End of this chapter)

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