Chapter 1353

It's just that Liu Lu's weakness at this moment is only on the surface, but there is an indescribable strength in her eyes. Even if she is dying of illness, she still has her own persistence. At this moment, Liu Lu's only hope , I am afraid it is also the goal of her life.

When Zhao Qingyan saw Liu Lu's appearance, she sneered, "This woman is not afraid of fainting again for a while, she really has enough perseverance, men don't like her, but she still wants to come here, how shameless ,"

It's just that at this moment, when Liu Lu is said like this, he doesn't want to be clear about it. When he thinks about how shameless he is when he chases after this Seventh Master these days, in fact, every time he likes someone, the fault lies in this woman's attachment to himself at this moment. Belittled.

"Qingyan, don't talk nonsense," An Youwei immediately felt a headache when he saw his daughter who was outspoken, and he really didn't dare to bring his daughter here, because he didn't even look at it right now, what kind of place is this place.

This is the palace of the princess, although the princess is nothing in his eyes, but the people present at this moment are all high-ranking officials and nobles, but at this moment, his daughter is so unrestricted, she can say whatever she sees, and she is not afraid If someone hears it, it will be difficult to tell her husband's family in the future.

After Zhao Qingyan heard An Youwei's words, she curled her lips, her appearance was obviously showing a tendency to be fearless, and at this moment, when An Youwei saw this, she could only sigh.

"By the way, Princess Xianghua will hold a grand banquet for the king tomorrow. I don't know if Princess Xianghua is free to have a gathering." At this moment, when Qi Ye saw An Xin coming, he said, "Of course Junhua The young master must also appreciate it, after all, you two are very popular figures, and in the capital right now, no one can compare to you two, "

At this moment, when Xueran saw An Xin, he had already walked away silently. At this moment, he didn't know how to face An Xin, especially when he thought of what An Xin had suffered for him that day. It made Xueran not know how to meet An Xin.

And at this moment when Xue Ran left, Liu Lu on the side saw her and hurriedly chased after him. Finally, at this moment, the seventh master was still Junhua. Regarding Xue Ran's departure, both of them were tacitly aware of Xue Ran's departure. leave.

When the seventh master saw An Xin, he turned his head to Jun Hua and said, "Young Master Jun Hua must be honored." To put it bluntly, it was a big feast, but who knows what the hell is going on?But at this moment, Junhua and An Xin didn't refuse either.

When he just talked about the hottest person, An Xin raised his head and looked at Junhua, "Compared to Ms. An, I don't know. A few days ago, Yuyue Tower competed with Wangxiang Tower. It was a wonderful victory, but now the capital city I’m afraid it’s in Wuwang Xiang Tower.”

But at this moment, the Seventh Master said, to be honest, one day he went to see it, saw how the Wangxiang Tower was cheated by Junhua, and also saw how the Wangxiang Tower was cheated. Don't say, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

When this Junhua cheated people, he really had a skill, so that the opponent had no power to fight back, and he ran away in a desperate manner, and it was precisely because of this match at this moment that Junhua was in the limelight at this moment .

And when An Xin heard this, she looked at Jun Hua in surprise, and heard Jun Hua say, "Didn't I say it, when did I suffer?"

Well, she did say that at first she thought that Junhua hadn't fought back, but she didn't expect that Junhua's counterattack had a good effect. When she saw this, An Xin smiled and said, "Bring me next time, we have to Count to five to five,"

An Xin's words made the corner of Qi Ye's mouth twitch, and at this moment, Jun Hua nodded seriously, "I have contributed a lot to Sanqi, and you have a lot of tricks, so Sanqi points,"

(End of this chapter)

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