Chapter 1354

Hearing Junhua's bargaining, Qi Ye said, should he sympathize with Jun's family and let the foxes, one big and one small, stare at them, and these foxes are not good foxes, look at the greed in those eyes at this moment , Qi Ye said, isn't this the expression of a wolf seeing meat? !
Qi Ye silently lit the wax for Jun's house, and when An Xin heard Jun Hua's words, he nodded and said, "Three seven is three seven, anyway, it's not my own."

Knowing that Junhua is about to start, and at this moment, An Xin, who is a collaborator, is naturally happy to cooperate with Junhua. Although her beauty for you seems to be calm at the moment, but An Xin knows that the Jun family doesn't know what happened behind the scenes. How many ghosts.

If it wasn't for him being a fool, he would have already been eaten alive by the Jun family at this moment, but when he thought of this, An Xin had an evil look in his eyes, "Master Junhua is in a few days, the good thing is the Queen's birthday, What do you think the Jun family will send?"

Regarding the matter of the queen's birthday, An Xin can remember that if she wants to be a blockbuster, she must be famous in this birthday banquet, and at this moment, she is naturally giving rouge. What?
And when Jun Hua heard it, he smiled and said, "I don't seem to know this yet. The birthday gift a while ago seems to have been ruined. Maybe it's not ready now,"

The words he said were so gloating, and at this moment, when Qi Ye heard about the queen's birthday, although he felt a little weird in his heart, he was also relieved after seeing the expressions of the two of them.

At this moment, it seems that these two people are not on the side of the prince. I am afraid that the purpose of paying birthday greetings to the queen at this moment is to deceive the Jun family. In fact, the reason why An Xin said this at this moment is just to reassure the seventh master at this moment.

After all, if you sneak up on a lot of things, you may have some misunderstandings, but at this moment, I'm telling Qiye clearly, if Qiye is still suspicious, then she and Junhua can only say sorry, after all doubts Don't use people, don't be suspicious of people, since they have fallen into Qi Ye's pit, it is naturally impossible for them to jump into the pit again.

Regarding An Xin and Jun Hua's words, Qi Ye didn't intervene but slowly drank his tea aside. Many times, as a prince, he had already kept his emotions secret, not to mention the business calculations at this moment. Seventh Master is really not as good as these two.

You see, if the Patriarch of the Jun family is here, he might vomit blood when he hears these two people. Qi Ye has heard a little about Jun Hua's identity, and seeing what Jun Hua said to An Xin, Qi Ye have to say.

This Junhua probably hates the Jun family very much, but it is also true, sometimes the person who hurts him the most is the person closest to him, because even if a stranger wants to hurt him, it is difficult to hurt him.

Thinking of this, Master Qi’s expression darkened, and he soon laughed at himself. He has always said that he does not have the heart to compete with his elder brother, but some people do not believe it and want to kill himself. But it is not as happy as ordinary people.

But at this moment, after Junhua and An Xin chatted with Qi Ye for a while, the three of them toasted and drank. The people around saw An Xin chatting with Qi Ye, but they didn't think much about it. After all, An Xin saved Concubine Yan Gui, At this moment, it is reasonable for Qi Ye to lean forward.

And this is even more so for Junhua at this moment, after all, business partners will naturally have a lot of topics to talk about, and at this moment, after An Xin talked about some things with Qi Ye and his party, he told everyone to eat and drink stand up.

To be honest, An Xin is really not used to big banquets. When I was in Ping Village, everyone I knew was someone I knew, and everyone was considered close, but at this moment, everyone has already is false.

The smiling faces around An Xin dare to say a word, none of them are sincere, but she is so An Xin but still greets people with a smile, and she responds to what others say, not offending but not flattering.

After this banquet, An Xin has been affected, and Zhao Qingyan on the other side is viciously trying to kill someone, especially when seeing An Xin talking and laughing happily with Qi Ye, don't help but curse secretly, "Damn it bitch, you wait for me, "

Gritting his teeth, he looked at An Xin, and then looked at Jun Hua who was beside An Xin, a vicious look flashed in his eyes. At this moment, this Young Master Jun Hua really wanted to be Sister Yan's fiancé. If Sister Yan found out, This little bitch really wants to see her, will she dare to seduce people everywhere in the future?
Seeing that the Seventh Master and An Xin were so kind, Zhao Qingyan was about to go mad with jealousy. You must know that he was the Seventh Prince, and he was the only one among the many princes who could compete with His Highness the Crown Prince.

And maybe he could become the emperor in the next second, so he, Zhao Qingyan, naturally liked it very much, and there was only one concubine and three concubines in Qiye's mansion, so Zhao Qingyan was naturally moved.

At this moment, if I become the seventh concubine, I may be the crown prince or the empress, but at this moment, Zhao Qingyan doesn't know, and the Zhao family will definitely not support her idea, after all, the Zhao family is the prince Only an idiot would marry his daughter to the party. At this moment, Zhao Qingyan has a tendency to cheat her father.

(End of this chapter)

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