Chapter 1358

Speaking of this smile, Yanran smiled coldly, that smile was very mocking and sarcastic, "Even if a man like him is moved, it's just love, if I don't love, but just love, if If there is no way to make him love me to the bone, then let him feel guilty towards me, a person's guilt is often more useful than love, "

At this moment, when Xiao Yanran and that were talking, even An Xin had to nod her head. This woman is very good at playing, and she plays very desperately. Sometimes An Xin can't help but suspect that once this woman becomes an enemy, That would be a disaster for myself.

Because at this moment, Xiao Yanran is smart, and she is cruel and vicious, whether it is to outsiders or to herself, in fact, sometimes a person who is so vicious to herself, how can she have compassion for outsiders.

"Help me, okay? As long as you help me, I will help you too. Aren't you and Young Master Junhua always thinking of bringing down the Jun family? How about I do the housework for you?" Looking at this An Xin said, there was a bit of sweet taste in the eyes.

"I'm at a loss right now. You have to understand that the concubine of the Jun family is not just me. Although Jun Qingyan dotes on me, it's just that I'm separated after all. After all, where is my identity? , I will have self-knowledge on this point. At this moment, don’t tell me that the Patriarch of the Jun family and Jun Qingyan won’t let me have it. I’m afraid that the concubines in the mansion are already waiting to kill me. Why don’t I give it a go? "At this moment, Yanran looked at An Xin and said with a smile, she had no way out.

The only thing she can do at this moment is to move forward, but at this moment Xiao Yanran knows very clearly that if she wants to go on, she needs to have a partner, but she has no power and power, so there is no way out.

Although there are many admirers in the capital, but Xiao Yanran knows very well that those admirers just love her color, the happiness and vanity that loving herself can bring them, once she loses all these, they will throw away No less than 90.00% of the people left.

So Xiaoyanran clearly realized that at the moment when she asks for someone, she can ask for it with peace of mind, because there is no impenetrable wall in the world to ask for others, and begging for others means that she has a handle in the other party's hands, and then she will not be the same. meat on their cutting board.

It's just that An Xin is different at this moment, she knows An Xin's personality very well, and she also knows that An Xin is the kind of existence that doesn't have to threaten her, so Xiao Yanran will visit late at night at this moment, the purpose is to let An Xin help.

An Xin looked at the smiling face for a while, knocked on the table and said, "I'll take care of this matter first, and I'll give you an answer in a few days." Right now, An Xin couldn't give this smile a moment Yan Ran answered.

After all, this moment is not the last time. The last time I had the upper hand, it was so easy to succeed, but this time it was different. It was originally a team escorting treasures, so the defense would naturally be improved at this moment.

It is impossible for An Xin to foolishly let herself spend her life for the sake of Xiao Yanran. After all, for An Xin, everything comes first, and the matter of Xiao Yanran at this moment may bring good benefits to herself. It's just An Xin but still can't help hesitating.

It's not because of timidity, it's just about being cautious, and when Xiao Yanran heard An Xin's words, she was slightly taken aback, but she nodded and said, "Then I won't bother you, I will come back in two days to get the result ,"

Xiao Yanran didn't force An Xin, she and An Xin were both aware of the danger of this matter, it's just that wealth and wealth are in danger, she should go out of danger sometimes, and An Xin sighed after sending Xiao Yan away.

(End of this chapter)

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