Chapter 1359

It seems that I still have to discuss it with Jun Hua tomorrow. After all, this is the Jun family's business at this moment, and I don't want to interfere too much. After An Xin sent Xiao Yan away, she freshened up and went to bed.

In the early morning of the next day, An Xin got up early and went out the gate. Because of the princess, An Xin's use and configuration are much better than in the past. This does not mean that An Xin is reluctant, but sometimes Whether it is travel or appliances, there are often certain specifications.

After An Xin walked out of the gate, she went to Beauty for You. When she arrived at Beauty for You, she checked some rouge. Because the factory is in Naping Village at the moment, most of the rouge and gouache are from this platform. The country is shipped over.

In fact, An Xin could also start a factory in the capital from a young age, but at this moment, An Xin also thought of many factors. At this moment, the capital is no longer as good as in Ping Village, and Ping Village can control many things by herself.

But at this moment in the capital, she was helpless, so An Xin would not venture to open a factory in the capital at this moment, but after An Xin checked the rouge and gouache, she took out a few blueprints.

This is a new style of clothing for this season. It looks generous and elegant. At this moment, because it is hot summer, many women are already terribly hot, and the fabric that Anxin chooses at this moment is also the kind of heat-resistant fabric. Clothes It won't be too hot after wearing it, but it will be a cooler style.

After all, in this day and age, there is no air conditioner or refrigerator to cool them down. It is natural to choose cooler clothes at this moment, but the coolness does not have to be exposed. In fact, in An Xin's eyes, the clothes are not that cool.

It's just that compared to the heavy clothes in the past, it is indeed much cooler. After An Xin handed over the blueprint of the clothes to the clerk, she went out of the gate and walked to the Yuyue Building.

Since the closure of Wangxiang Building, the birthday of Yuyue Building has become more and more popular at this moment. When An Xin just walked into Yuyue Building, she unexpectedly met a few acquaintances. To An Xin's surprise, These acquaintances are actually Jun Jiaoyan and Na Xunran.

When she saw these two people, An Xin was slightly taken aback for a moment, but soon she ignored them. She didn't have much affection for Jun Jiaoyan, An Xin, and couldn't explain how she felt about Xun Ran An Xin.

It's not really disgusting, it's just that it's impossible to not hate it, when thinking of that little Wugui, An Xin doesn't know how to look at Xunran for a moment, and at this moment, it's not out of sight.

After all, Shi Yueran is An Xin's clerk, and An Xin also likes her who is as hot as a red rose, but who would have thought that Shi Yueran, who is as hot as a rose, would leave in such a desolate way.

But at this moment, after Jun Jiaoyan looked at An Xin, she didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, she looked at the shopkeeper and said, "You treat guests like this. The visitors are guests, so why do you look down on us?"

At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan said slightly angrily, with her big belly sticking out, a long whip dangling in her hand, her face looked particularly arrogant, when An Xin, who was going upstairs, heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she slightly paused.

Looking at the woman downstairs, it was only then that she could see clearly that Jun Jiaoyan was already six or seven months pregnant, but when she saw the child, An Xin just stayed for a while, with a sneer in her heart .

The mocking gaze swept over Xunran next to him, and at this moment, Xunran protected Jun Jiaoyan and said, "Jiaoyan, let's go back, you are still pregnant, don't make trouble here, if something goes wrong later , you can't do it, "

(End of this chapter)

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