Chapter 1360

As he said that, he was about to pull Jun Jiaoyan away, after all, this is someone else's territory at this moment, and if Jun Jiaoyan continued to make trouble like this, there would be no guarantee that there would be no accidents, not to mention that at this moment, Xun Ran didn't intend to quarrel with Jun Jiaoyan.

After all, the Patriarch has already said at this moment, let them be more peaceful these days, and now that Jun Jiaoyan gets into trouble, she can have no pressure, but she can't, every time Jun Jiaoyan gets into trouble, nine out of ten of the consequences It's all this.

Although Xunran appears to be willing to bear any faults for Jun Jiaoyan, but there is one thing you have to be aware of, the reason why Xunran is willing is because of the benefits, and now that Jun Jiaoyan is in trouble, not only will she be scolded, On the contrary, it will make the Patriarch doubt his ability, which makes Xun Ran unhappy.

After all, for this Xunran, what he wants is not Jun Jiaoyan's love, nor Jun Jiaoyan's arrogance and family wealth, what he wants is the destruction of the entire Jun family, so it is only for the next step to please Jun Jiaoyan at this moment .

"Jiaoyan, let's go back. Eldest brother will be back in a while. If we don't go back, I'm afraid elder brother will be angry." She took out Jun Qingyan. After all, Jun Jiaoyan is most afraid of two people at the moment, one is the head of the Jun family, The other one is naturally this Jun Qingyan.

And when Jun Jiaoyan heard Xunran's words, she turned her head to look at Xunran, and said with a puzzled expression, "Didn't brother tell you last night, let us come to Yuyue Tower, and he will also come over,"

As she spoke, she looked at Xunran strangely, and the next second Jun Jiaoyan covered her mouth, "Too bad, elder brother said that you can't tell other people about this matter, I didn't expect elder brother not to tell you,"

But at this moment, when Xunran heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, let alone the irony at that moment, he held the palm tightly, but his face was as gentle as ever, "It may be that the elder brother forgot, or it may be that the elder brother is avoiding suspicion." ,"

After hearing Jun Jiaoyan's words, Xunran would be a fool if he couldn't see that Jun Qingyan was deliberately avoiding him, or it would be better to prevent him from coming. Thinking of this, Xunran smiled , I didn't expect this person to be so defensive.

But at this moment, when Jun Jiaoyan heard Xun Ran's words, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say?She is not stupid, after hearing Xun Ran's words, she knew that the big brother was blocking Xun Ran, Jun Jiaoyan felt distressed and angry when she thought of this.

Distressed for Xunran, but also angry with Jun Qingyan, what on earth is she doing angry with Jun Qingyan?This Xunran is her chosen husband, and now she and he even have a child, and this elder brother is still so on guard, which somewhat makes Jun Jiaoyan very upset.

After all, it is difficult for her to be a human being at the moment. One is her husband and the other is her elder brother. She just guarded against the person next to her pillow, and she did it so obviously, which more or less made Jun Jiaoyan a little difficult to be a human being.

But at this moment, Xun Ran looked indifferent, "I'll just sit downstairs, you guys will talk later," he was not in a hurry at this moment, he could have waited for more than ten years, and now he was even more in a hurry.

And when Jun Jiaoyan saw Xun Ran's appearance, she opened her mouth to say something?But when she saw Jun Qingyan approaching, she never opened her mouth. She liked Xun Ran, but when facing this big brother, she would inevitably shrink back and lose confidence.

And at this moment, when An Xin saw all this, she didn't stay too long, but went directly to the room on the second floor, and at this moment, Jun Hua was already looking at the ledger in the room.

When An Xin saw this, she didn't bother her too much, but sat aside and waited for Junhua to do all this. After waiting for a cup of tea, Junhua also found the ledger in her hand, "Jun Qingyan and Jun Hua Jiaoyan came just now, and she reserved three guest rooms in a row, "

(End of this chapter)

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