Chapter 1367

And at this moment, An Xin expressed her heart. At this moment, Yan Ruyu is Qiye's cousin, but if she dares to come next time, she will really be rude. This time, she will forget it. After all, she will give Qiye some money. Save face.

That's why An Xin just talked about it, but didn't hurt Yan Ruyu. After all, if someone else wants to ruin her appearance as soon as she makes a move, An Xin will definitely make the other party overwhelmed.

And at this moment, the best example is this Biyu. Biyu wants to ruin her appearance, so she can let this Biyu taste the feeling that life is worse than death that night. Dare to meet people.

But at this moment, Yan Ruyu is so vicious just once, if she doesn't have martial arts and gets hit on the face by that red whip in a second, not to mention ruining her appearance, I'm afraid she will lose half of her life, she has never been a virgin, I don't know what it is Repaying grievances with virtue?If there is a grudge, she must take revenge. She is very good at learning.

After Qi Ye heard An Xin's words, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He saw what Yan Ruyu did just now, but he was a little displeased at the moment, not to mention that he cooperated with An Xin, but that An Xin was his mother and concubine His savior, the Yan family should treat him with more courtesy.

Rather than wanting to find fault with Yan Ruyu at this moment, although Qi Ye doesn't want this Yan family extravagantly, how will he treat An Xin, but at least don't make trouble for himself, after all, what Yan Ruyu is doing at this moment, it is really possible for outsiders to know It will be said that their Yan family is ungrateful.

Not to mention that it will affect the reputation of the Yan family, even his own will be involved in it, not to mention that An Xin has a high reputation among the people at this moment. He has just been named the princess, and some people are talking about it, saying that An Xin is a county Lord, it all depends on what the Yan family said.

I don't know how many people's hearts have been chilled by speaking out. Is this an act of crossing the bridge and pulling the board, and if he doesn't handle today's affairs well, it is difficult to guarantee that his reputation in the court will be threatened. When thinking of this, Qi Ye sighed.

"Then I would like to thank Princess Xianghua for your generosity." At this moment, the seventh master seemed a little powerless. Everything that he finally got at this moment almost destroyed this Yan Ruyu, and at this moment, it not only made the Yan family a master of great merit. The name of Concubine Yan also made Concubine Yan a enchantress who bewitched the emperor.

After all, at this moment, Yan Ruyu said that Concubine Yan Guifei asked for the title of Princess Anxin, which basically means that the decision of Emperor Xia was made by Concubine Yan Gui, and that the harem should not interfere with the government. This has long been the same since ancient times. Makes sense.

"If Princess Xianghua is fine, I will leave first." At this moment, the Seventh Master was going to the palace to find Concubine Yan Gui, and to explain this matter clearly to Concubine Yan Gui, so that Concubine Yan Gui could make a decision.

But at this moment, after An Xin heard Qi Ye's words, she nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, Qi Ye, I will always be on your side, as long as Qi Ye treats me as before, no matter how outsiders interfere, The little girl's heart will be on Qi Ye's side for the rest of her life."

And when Qi Ye heard the reassuring words, he nodded with a chuckle, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Thank you, don't worry, if she comes to trouble you in the future, you don't need to look at me superior,"

It's just a cousin, if you really want to ruin your plan, let alone a cousin, even if your own sister deserves to be ruined, as far as Seventh Master is concerned, at this moment, Yan Ruyu is more than a success than a failure, and keeping it will be a disaster.

Because what Yan Ruyu said today caused a lot of trouble for the seventh master, he, who didn't like this cousin in the first place, disliked her even more now. Fortunately, the mother and concubine had the foresight. , will definitely harm others and oneself in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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