Chapter 1368

Not to mention whether this Yan Ruyu is the kind of troublesome existence, nor whether this Yan Ruyu is good or bad, but she alone is a trouble, and at this moment, after the seventh master separated from An Xin, he also planned to leave.

But at this moment, after An Xin left, there were two figures in the dark, the man in black and brocade robes, with a cold cloud all over his body, and those black eyes, there was an indescribable Domineering and majestic.

When he looked at the departing Qi Ye and An Xin, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If there are more people in this Yan family, I'm afraid it's time for a daughter like Yan Ruyu, and I know that the father wants to appease you. People's hearts are the only reason for this Princess Xianghua to appear, but at this moment, Yan Ruyu slaps this Princess Xianghua in the face. I am afraid that the father's side will have a hard time. After all, this is obviously slapping the father in the face. Let's see, how should the seventh brother solve this matter?"

And at this moment, that person is His Highness the Crown Prince. His Highness looked at the An Xin who was leaving and said, but he was already familiar with this woman, An Xin.

"Your Highness, are we going to add fire to them?" The person beside the prince said in a hoarse voice, and the prince shook his head when he heard it.

"I don't need it for the time being. At this moment, my father is having a headache because of the war in the east. Although the appearance of Princess Xianghua has brought back a lot of people's hearts, but there is still a problem at this moment. If we are adding fire at this moment, it is difficult to guarantee Father will not suspect that we are the ones who are playing tricks in the dark, and at this moment we just need to sit on the sidelines and watch their fire blow more and more fiercely by our own wind." At this moment, Emperor Xia was having a headache, This Yan family's confrontation with the gun may become the father's punching bag.

And at this moment, if he also stepped on it, he might be beautiful. After all, even if he didn't step on it at this moment, the Yan family would end up in an embarrassing end because of Yan Ruyu's words, so it is better to have a daughter who is gentle and virtuous. Otherwise, if she gave birth to a daughter like Yan Ruyu, she would be called cheating.

"However, His Royal Highness, Princess Xianghua, is really a formidable master. Seeing that Yan Ruyu has a bit of a foundation, but she can't survive a round in the hands of Princess Xianghua," the man in black next to the prince said again .

From the beginning of Yan Ruyu's sneak attack to the last two, right? The prince and the people around him all saw it clearly, but the two of them couldn't help feeling sorry for An Xin. This woman is too arrogant and scolding All can be without dirty words.

Just let this Yan Ruyu lead his family into a trap. In fact, "But His Royal Highness, didn't you say that this Princess Xianghua is on the side of the Seventh Prince? Why did you have a dispute with this Yan Ruyu? , this Princess Xianghua seems to have intentionally let this Yan Ruyu suffer, "

But at this moment the man was puzzled, and when the prince on the side heard it, he sneered, "The prince doesn't know if the seventh brother is not the seventh brother, but it's obvious that Yan Ruyu wants this Xianghua princess to take the Come to Li Wei, Yan Ruyu's remark at this moment has caused Yan Ruyu to suffer the consequences, and even brought the Yan family, now you say, who else would dare to touch her? After all, use this Yan Ruyu to make Wei, and tell everyone clearly that she is auspicious. Princess Hua is not easy to bully, but at this moment, Yan Ruyu is still stupid to death, I am afraid that my aunt and the Yan family will not be exhausted, if I have such a cousin, I really want to strangle to death."

At this moment, His Royal Highness looked at the back of An Xin's departure, but he really didn't like Yan Ruyu anymore, but he didn't hate it at the moment, pig opponents who couldn't hold back were often the cutest existences, and at this moment This Yan Ruyu is like this.

(End of this chapter)

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