Chapter 1369

"Although Princess Xianghua has just been canonized, there are many people who want to make trouble secretly. Look, after the Yan family is repaired by the emperor, those who want to trouble Princess Xianghua should stop. Zhao Yu entered the palace with the prince, and the prince went to see the queen mother," he said and walked into the palace.

At this moment, when Concubine Yan Gui heard what Qi Ye said, her complexion was not to mention how ugly, although she was a little bit resentful that An Xin didn't know what was good or bad, she really cheated Yan Ruyu in front of everyone, but at this moment Concubine Yan Gui complained even more about her unworthy niece.

At this moment, I really have the urge to kill her, "Your lord, let my eldest brother go to Xianghua Princess's mansion to plead guilty, and I will go to the emperor to plead guilty." At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui made a decisive decision, and she should bow her head when she should.

And when Qi Ye heard this, he nodded his head, and his displeasure with Yan Ruyu increased a bit, and now that Concubine Yan Gui was separated from Qi Ye, she went to plead guilty to the emperor, and this apology followed Taihe. Going to the hall, I knelt for half an hour.

That's why Emperor Xia invited him into the Hall of Supreme Harmony. After all, An Xin is the object of everyone's attention. Let alone Concubine Yan Gui is watching all the time, even Emperor Xia is watching all the time. After all, this chess piece is just a chess piece. , as the master, he naturally has to pay attention.

At this moment, the Emperor Xia was sitting on the table, looking at Concubine Yan Gui indifferently. Because Concubine Yan Gui had been kneeling for a long time, her face was already a little pale at this moment, "I have seen the emperor, I have come to plead guilty Yes, Chenqie's niece contradicted Princess Xianghua on the street, and at this moment, Chenqie came here to plead guilty for her niece's unintentional confrontation with Princess Xianghua."

At this moment, Concubine Yan didn't mean to find fault on purpose, but to contradict unintentionally. After all, deliberate and unintentional are two different levels. After hearing what Concubine Yan said, Emperor Xia squinted at Concubine Yan.

"Why should my concubine be like this? I have heard that my concubine's kindness to Princess Xianghua is as great as a mountain. Presumably Princess Xianghua will not blame my concubine." At this moment, Emperor Xia's words were not salty but frightening. Concubine Yan Gui was sweating profusely.

She knew Emperor Xia was angry, and he was angry, even if she knew that it had nothing to do with her, it was just that he in front of her was angry at her for not being strict in discipline, not to mention that the superior had that person who liked to be told that his wife was strict in discipline.

"Your majesty is serious. It is right for the concubine to owe the favor to Princess Xianghua. How can Princess Xianghua owe the concubine? At this moment, when the concubine thinks of Princess Xianghua, she can't help liking him. She is cute and smart, and Knowing medical skills, getting this girl to be the princess is really the emperor's insight. Why didn't the concubines find out in the first place? The Xianghua princess is good. If she found out early in the morning, she might have recognized her as a righteous daughter. If you want the emperor to take the lead, the concubine is blind." At this moment, Concubine Yan Guifei spoke very lightly.

Where did you hold Emperor Xia and praised Emperor Xia for a while, but at this moment, Emperor Xia heard that Concubine Yan Gui was very interesting, so he also nodded, "My concubine, get up quickly, it's cold on the ground, don't kneel out I'm sick,"

The Yan family is too defiant, it should be beaten, and at this moment, this matter can just be used to beat the Yan family. At this moment, when Emperor Xia was helping Concubine Yan, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As for Yan Ruyu to keep for now, with her holding back the Yan family, the Yan family will definitely cause troubles to a great extent in the future, just now he is looking for a way to repair these big families.

At this moment, when Concubine Yan Gui saw Emperor Xia's appearance, she also temporarily breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Emperor Xia's anger had passed, and at this moment Concubine Yan Gui also made up her mind to marry Yan Ruyu early so as not to Stay in your own home and harm the Yan family.

(End of this chapter)

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