Chapter 1372

After all, Concubine Yan Gui is very favored at this moment. An ordinary princess really loses a bit of weight in front of Yan Ruyu, so why is the princess still the one being bullied by Yan Ruyu at this moment? Half realize that I was wrong.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Yan Ruyu beating a princess in the past. The mistake was that the time of beating was wrong, and the person who beating was wrong. At this moment, Emperor Xia was just using An Xin to appease the people, and this is just the beginning. This Yan Ruyu came to the door to find fault, which was basically waiting to slap the emperor in the face.

In addition to Yan Ruyu's words, Qi Ye hated it even more. It doesn't matter if she provokes An Xin, and she also involved her mother and concubine. This is the reason why Qi Ye beat Yan Ruyu. After Madam's words, she cried even more aggrieved.

"Mother, you want to avenge your daughter. Let someone take down that bitch tomorrow. If she is beaten to death by me, who is she, a shameless thing, who does she think she is? Seduce people every day, hook up with the young master of the Xue family. At least, even Junhua and his cousin have been confused at this moment, oh,,, mother, you have to find a way for me, I really like Junhua, you can't let your bitch take advantage of the loophole," at this moment Yan Ruyu cried on the road.

It's easy for all the concubines in Junhua's backyard to dare to leave, but at this moment, there is another peace of mind, how can Yan Ruyu not be angry, her mother has been alone since she was a child, so at this moment, Yan Ruyu takes it for granted that all men dare to be with her Just like his own father.

So every time she sees a man marrying a concubine, she will be unhappy, especially those who abandon their wives and children. At this moment, Yan Ruyu is even more unhappy. Yan Ruyu's intention is good, but she always does bad things with good intentions. It is the most exasperating and hateful existence.

"Okay, mother will take the lead for you, and mother will enter the palace for you tomorrow. Your aunt will ask your cousin to apologize, and then help you clean up that bitch." At this moment, Mrs. Yan, Yan Ruyu asked herself to clean up. If there is only one person, she will be happy even if there are hundreds of them.

In the mother's mind, the most important thing is that her daughter did it, so it will always be right, and this is what Mrs. Yan is doing at this moment. When Mrs. Yan at the side saw the two of them crying, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

He is also busy these days, and today he finally went to pray with his wife. He didn't expect to see his daughter being beaten when he came back. Although he felt sorry for his daughter, Mr. Yan is not a fool. Seventh Master knows that that person is not really angry. It won't hurt Yan Ruyu at all.

At this moment, it must not be easy to make this Qiye angry, so at this moment, Mr. Yan planned to ask Qiye tomorrow to find out what he was talking about. When he saw the mother and daughter crying and distressed, Mr. Yan backed away silently. up.

After all, he still has a lot of things to do at this moment, and at this moment, after Mr. Yan left, he naturally didn't hear the conversation behind, "Baby, tell mother, which little bitch dares to snatch a man from you,"

Mrs. Yan is also hot-tempered, and she has always been a master who does not suffer from her childhood. After marrying Mrs. Yan, her days are rosy every day. In addition, the two are childhood sweethearts, so Mrs. Yan is naturally doting on her. He wanted to take a concubine, but in the end because of Mrs. Yan's objection, it was over.

At this moment, when she heard that someone dared to snatch her daughter's sweetheart, Madam Yan became angry. Don't say that the other party is An Xin, she might dare to make a scene if the other party is a princess.

"Mother is the newly-canonized Princess Xianghua, mother is this little slut, mother, you must avenge me, and she still scolds me, look, this hand is for her to pinch purple," Yan Ruyu said His wrist was exposed.

At this moment, there was a deep strangle mark on the wrist, because of An Xin's grasping hand, this wrist would naturally turn blue at this moment, and with the thin skin and tender flesh, An Xin didn't use much force, and it was already blue-purple. But this only looks serious.

It's just that even if it looks serious, it's very distressing to Mrs. Yan, "Damn little bitch, don't worry baby, mother will definitely find a chance for you to take revenge, let alone a princess with a foreign surname, even if she is a royal princess , mother also wants her to crawl to apologize to you, "

So to marry a wife, you must marry a virtuous person. This does not mean that Madam Yan is not virtuous. It just means that the degree of partiality of this person is already the distance between the Pacific Ocean and the moon. At this moment, everything about her daughter is right in her mind. If it is wrong, it is also right.

When Yan Ruyu heard her mother backing her up, a look of viciousness flashed in her eyes, then she looked at Mrs. Yan and said, "Mother, that aunt doesn't talk to me. I went to the palace today to find my aunt, but she won't see me, mother." Do you think I did something wrong?"

At this moment, Yan Ruyu opened her mouth and said, Mrs. Yan frowned immediately after hearing what Yan Ruyu said, "She won't see you? Well, I'm a sister-in-law, but I'm getting better and better, and she doesn't want to be clear about it. Who gave it to her, she really thinks she can sit on the imperial concubine, if it weren't for our Yan family, let alone the imperial concubine, she might die in the cold palace, now that she has gained power, she will show her face to the baby, Ruyu You wait for mother, mother will go to the palace tomorrow and ask your aunt to give you an explanation, it will turn the world upside down, "

Yan Ruyu was very happy about Mrs. Zheyan's words. All the grievances she suffered today felt no grievances in an instant. Thinking of tomorrow's revenge, Yan Ruyu's heart was getting colder and colder at this moment. She must let this little bitch get it. The punishment that should be deserved, the man who dared to touch him would seek death.

(End of this chapter)

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