Chapter 1373

Yan Ruyu entered the palace with her mother the next day. When Concubine Yan Gui saw Mrs. Yan and Yan Ruyu coming, displeasure flashed in her eyes, and she didn't have much affection for her sister-in-law.

She has always been selfish, arrogant and ignorant, and she doesn't know why her eldest brother married such a daughter-in-law, and there has been no concubine in the family for many years, which really puzzles Concubine Yan Gui.

But thinking of that sister-in-law's shrewd behavior, Concubine Yan Gui couldn't help but feel sad for her elder brother at this moment. After all, don't let her say that his elder brother is not lewd, that his elder brother stole food but was repaired by adults, so he dared not do it anymore after all. A tigress is not someone who dares to mess with anyone.

At this moment, when Mrs. Yan saw Concubine Yan Gui, although she was very unhappy, she also saluted Concubine Yan respectfully. After all, Concubine Yan Gui was a concubine at this moment, and she was just the wife of a minister.

"Sister-in-law is very polite," although she doesn't like Madam Yan, but Concubine Yan has not shown it at the moment, but said with a smile, it is true that Madam Yan said that she is relying on the Yan family, just relying on it The two are not inseparable from each other.

If you really want to say who can't do without someone, then it's the Yan family. At this moment, she doesn't know that the Yan family is her natal family. At this moment, unless the Yan family's brain is flooded, they will choose to turn their elbows outward to help other princes. After all, if they really turned to other princes at this moment, it would be purely courting death.

But Concubine Yan Gui is different at this moment. Anyway, the Yan family does not help them, and now they will do it if the Yan family helps. Of course, there are different effects before and after. The Yan family will be destroyed.

Faced with this point at this moment, Mrs. Yan is naturally very clear, "Young aunt, you are joking, this etiquette cannot be voided." Even though he said so, at this moment, Mrs. Yan pulled her daughter to stand up. , with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

She glanced at Yan Ruyu with a faint smile, and then said, "By the way, sister-in-law, I have something to tell you. You don't know that because of Ruyu's incident yesterday, I was outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony." Knelt for almost a night, "

But at this moment when faced with Concubine Yan's words, Mrs. Yan was obviously a little surprised, then she looked at Concubine Yan and said, "How do you say that?" What does this have to do with her daughter?
Hearing that Concubine Yan Gui was kneeling outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Mrs. Yan couldn't believe it. Everyone knew that Emperor Xia doted on Concubine Yan Gui. How could she ask Concubine Yan Gui to kneel outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony at this moment.

But at this moment, Mrs. Yan frowned when she heard that Concubine Yan dragged her daughter into the water. If you kneel, what does it have to do with my daughter?
"The thing is like this," at this moment, Concubine Yan Gui told about Yan Ruyu and An Xin, and when Mrs. Yan heard it, she immediately became furious.

"Your concubine, what you said is wrong. Ruyu is your niece. Dear niece, you are helping others to say that Ruyu is right. Do you have an aunt like you?" At this moment, Mrs. Yan heard When Concubine Yan twisted her elbow outward, she immediately said angrily.

This sister-in-law is so ignorant that she actually helps outsiders deal with her niece, you know what that An Xin is called?It seems to be Princess Xianghua, just a small princess. Does she need to put down her airs and beg the emperor?
At this moment, Mrs. Yan thought that Concubine Yan Gui was making a big fuss, and she had no intention of helping Yan Ruyu at all. Faced with this, Mrs. Yan looked at Concubine Yan and said, "Your concubine, you are not only not helping, you are still helping Yan Ruyu." Ruyu is being accused here, I, as a sister-in-law, can't stand it."

(End of this chapter)

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