Chapter 1376

Of course, if there is no way to avoid it like yesterday, she will not be able to tolerate the other party. After all, sometimes your tolerance is just to be more arrogant towards the other party. At this moment, An Xin waved her hand and continued to eat breakfast.

But when the people heard it, they went out of the gate and said to Mrs. Yan Ruyu, "My princess has not gotten up yet. If Yan Ruyu wants to find someone, you can come back another day."

At the moment, the housekeeper's words were more tactful, but when Mrs. Yan heard it, she immediately became furious, "Well, she will put on the airs of the princess, and she is really a phoenix, but she is just a pariah. Let her come out to Mrs. Ben, I really want to judge, seduce my son-in-law, dare to be so arrogant, but I will not tear her face apart, "

Madam Yan's toughness is well-known in the entire capital, and at this moment, Yan Ruyu's temperament also follows this Madam Yan, so even if this Yan Ruyu is picturesque at this moment, few people dare to want that kind of tigress .

But at this moment, when the butler heard this, he frowned immediately. He had heard that Mrs. Yan was tough before, and he had also heard that Mrs. Yan was not easy to mess with. It's a little stupid.

"Mrs. Yan, I'm sorry. My princess said, please go back. I don't know who is embarrassing." At this moment, the butler's voice was a little cold. At this moment, Mrs. Yan was too much, and she didn't even look at the site when she spoke. At this moment, this is An Xin's family, not her Yan family's territory.

At this moment, Mrs. Yan was just trying to ruin An Xin's reputation. She made a lot of noise early in the morning, as if she was afraid that others would not know An Xin's seduction, she yelled at the top of her voice, making An Xin lose all face.

"What kind of a bastard are you, you dare to talk to Mrs. Ben, and your master comes out. If she doesn't give an explanation today, Mrs. Ben will tear her alive and let her seduce people in a low way," at this moment, Mrs. Yan looked naive. The appearance of not being afraid of the ground and not being afraid directly started arguing outside the gate.

But at this moment, An Xin in the room suddenly became cold. He dropped the bowl and chopsticks and walked out of the gate, "Didn't the butler, the princess, say that you can send away any beggars who come from anywhere? If it is If you are a lunatic, use a broom by yourself, why can't you even do such a small thing right now, I really let this princess support you for nothing, "

At this moment, although the words were said to the housekeeper, "I know I'm wrong," they were actually scolding Mrs. Yan and Yan Ruyu. Madame's face.

"What did you say? Little bitch," although Mrs. Yan was savage at the moment, she quickly realized what she said and said angrily.

"Naturally, it's about you, you are making a scene outside the princess' mansion. Do you look down on the princess, or look down on the title of the princess, and think that the princess Xianghua has humiliated you, that's why you are in the early morning Come and fight," An Xin said with a cold glance at this moment, "This princess is the current emperor's seal, you are making noise in front of this princess at the moment, do you also have opinions on the emperor, or are you Yan Jialian I don't pay attention to a little princess, or you don't pay attention to the people behind this princess at all, and you don't take the current emperor seriously, so you dare to make a big noise here at this moment make a fuss,"

"What's more, you said that the princess is seducing people? The princess wants to ask, your eyes see that the princess is seducing people, and now you are making a noise here, for fear that others will not know, and you can't look down on Mr. I'm just looking for faults here. People who don't know still think that you mother and daughter have taken the wrong medicine. I am the Princess Xianghua bestowed by the current emperor. At this moment, you two are so rude. It's fine if you don't kneel down, but you are still spreading rumors and making troubles here. Could it be that you look down on this princess and the current emperor, think that this princess can't take you down, and think that the princess bestowed by the emperor can't let you down Kneeling, you can be humiliated at will, you can be convicted, this princess was bestowed by Emperor Xia, and you insulting this princess is insulting Emperor Xia, you can be punished, "

(End of this chapter)

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