Chapter 1377

At this moment, the reassuring words made both Yan Ruyu and Mrs. Yan speechless, and all of them turned pale in an instant, "Little bitch, you are talking nonsense."

At this moment, Mrs. Yan is not stupid, this An Xin's words are basically saying that they have no law, that they look down on the emperor, if this crime is convicted at this moment, even their Yan family will not be able to bear it.

"Little bitch, you should talk nonsense. Let's see if Madam Yan slaps your mouth." At this moment, Madam Yan was about to slap her when she spoke, but An Xin was slapped by others in the next second.

"Go home, you shrew." At this moment, Lord Yan really wanted to kill the mother and daughter. He didn't know last night, and he didn't know how much trouble his daughter had caused.

It wasn't until today's early court, when everyone looked at him with sympathy, that Master Yan knew that his daughter had caused a catastrophe. As expected, at the early court today, there were many ministers Participated in one of my own.

Saying that he has no law to allow his daughter to commit murder, and even scolded the princess in the street. He has no respect for discipline. borrowed.

As soon as he heard the charges of these items, Mr. Yan was stunned. How much trouble did his daughter cause him?But later, he managed to quell the calamity, and the officials in the middle of the court told him to ask him to go to the princess's mansion to plead guilty, so that the anger in Emperor Xia's heart could be dispelled.

And when Mrs. Yan found out, she immediately came to plead guilty. After all, Lord Yan is not a fool at this moment. She knows that Emperor Xia only needs to use peace of mind to appease the hearts of the people. happiness.

What's more, the stupid things said by this daughter directly questioned Emperor Xia's decision-making. The reason why Emperor Xia didn't move the Yan family at this moment was because of the usefulness of the Yan family. I went to the reassuring Xianghua County Lord's Mansion when I was busy.

It's just that he never dreamed that he just got the news one second ago, and was about to take the blame, and was stunned by the behavior of Mrs. Yan and Yan Ruyu the next second, especially when he saw his wife scolding the street like a shrew. When he lost his own person, Master Yan was very angry.

Without even thinking about it, she slapped Mrs. Yan. At this moment, when Mrs. Yan saw that the person who beat her was Mrs. Yan, she suddenly became furious, "You who have suffered a thousand knives, I want to fight with you!" Desperately, woo,,, you dare to hit me, "

As he said that, he threw himself forward and started tearing up with Mrs. Yan, and at this moment, Mrs. Yan is also tough, and after a while, Mrs. Yan was injured. In addition, Mrs. Yan's weak temper in front of Mrs. Yan in the past has penetrated into the marrow of her bones , so at this moment, Mrs. Yan is not afraid of Mrs. Yan at all.

But at this moment, when Yan Ruyu on the side saw this, she suddenly panicked, especially after seeing her mother hurt her father like a shrew, she felt a little embarrassed, and the sneering eyes around her made Yan Ruyu feel that the whole People are like clowns, rarely embarrassing.

"Father, let go, why are you beating my mother, mother, stop making trouble..." At this moment, Yan Ruyu tried her best to stop her, and at this moment, Mrs. Yan was also beaten, especially the scratch on her cheek. It made Mr. Yan even more embarrassing.

"What are you still standing there for? Pull me away, pull this crazy woman away." At this moment, Lord Yan was furious, and he just kicked him. He has been bullied by this tigress for many years, but at this moment Let this tigress be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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